Forty young ladies attended Midreshet Eshel this year. “Midreshet Eshel has truly changed my life. Being here for the past six months really impacted how I see the world around me. My speech is more positive than ever! My actions toward hesed and involvement in helping the community and people around me have grown so much,” said Teera Ades, a Hillel graduate and currently a student at the Midrasha.
She continued, “The learning has built my character up to a new level and made me think in ways I had never thought. Everything here has made me the happiest person—the friends, the sights, being in the best location, the Shabbatons! I can’t express enough how happy I truly am here!”

For the past 11 years, students from Magen David, Flatbush, Hillel and Ilan have increasingly chosen to spend a year (or half year) in Midreshet Eshel. As the only post high school program dedicated to Sephardic students, Midreshet Eshel attracts young Sephardic women from as far away as England, Gibraltar, Brazil and Mexico.
“We have seen a substantial change in the community’s attitude toward girls’ study in Israel,” explained Miriam Tawil, Founder and Director of Midreshet Eshel. “It’s a win-win for everyone.”
The schedule is packed with students engaged in intensive learning, volunteering, and touring both ancient and modern Israel. Advanced and regular level classes on Tanach, Jewish Philosophy, Sephardic Halacha and Eres Yisrael are complemented by courses on character development, communication skills and creating a Jewish home.

“As em bayit (housemother), I see firsthand how these wonderful young women enter our doors filled with excitement about discovering more of their rich Sephardic traditions and the depth of Torah,” explained Dr. Hila (Alouf) Aboody. “It is so gratifying to see how much they mature throughout the year and transform into young women who want to do hesed, think about others and want to impact positively on their communities by building beautiful homes with solid foundations.” Being away from home and living together with many other students comes with its challenges, as well as opportunities to learn lessons for life.
“I don’t know where my life would be without Eshel,” said Flatbush graduate Vicky Zeitounie. “This year has changed my life for the better and has given me a family I’ve never imagined having.”

Rabbi Yirmiyahu Cohen, teacher of Sephardic halacha at the Midrasha stated, “It’s a pleasure teaching students who are eager to learn.” Due to the vision and generosity of community leaders Ezra Ashkenazi, Harry Adjmi, Ricky Cohen and Harold Shamah, the school was able to purchase its historic building in the heart of the Jewish Quarter overlooking Har Habayit, the Temple Mount and Har Hazeitim, Mount of Olives. In addition to the school’s unbeatable location just steps away from the Kotel, one of the hallmarks of the school is the warm and supportive environment it provides for the students. The individualized attention allows students to actualize their personal and spiritual potential.
“Eshel’s supportive and positive atmosphere taught me how to find the best in every situation” observed Fortune Azrak, graduate of Magen David.

“I didn’t know I could feel as spiritually connected as I feel in Eshel, in Israel. I feel so fulfilled and so complete,” concluded Judy Sitt, salutatorian of Ilan.
The teaching staff at the Midrasha, some of whom have authored books, is comprised of professionals with decades of teaching experience behind them.
“Their commitment and dedication to the students is remarkable,” stated Miriam Tawil. “Through their sincere desire to share the ideals of the Torah, they succeed year in and year out in engaging the hearts, minds and souls of the students. It’s Jewish education at its best.”
Registration for September 2020 is coming to a close. For more information please contact office@midresheteshel.org. To make donations and dedications email nyoffice@midresheteshel.org.