Home Community News Yom Ha’atzmaut at Ahi Ezer

Yom Ha’atzmaut at Ahi Ezer

Last month Ahi Ezer Yeshiva was full of excitement, learning, and fun. The school celebrated in honor of Yom Ha’atzmaut. Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Masalton, said a perek of tehilim for the soldiers in Israel, and spoke to the girls about the importance of Yom Ha’atzmaut and how special Eertz Yisrael is to the Jewish nation. The Holy Land is a place where we can do so many mitzvot, and visit so many tzadikim and holy places. Eretz Yisrael is a place of kedusha (holiness)! All Jews have a special closeness and feel connected to Israel, no matter where in the world they are. We all have a constant yearning to be there.

Grades six through eight wore adorable blue and white accessories. Talented eighth graders decorated the outside of the building with blue and white streamers, Jewish stars, and Israeli flags. Ahi Ezer Yeshiva was a sight to see! They then sang Hatikvah beautifully in front of the entire school.

At lunch time, the entire school was privileged to have a barbecue. Special thanks to Shimon Leviev and Kings Highway Glatt for providing the delicious hotdogs, hamburgers, chicken, and French fries. What a treat! They also had a gigantic blue and white cake decorated with a Jewish star in honor of Israel’s 65th birthday! It was a day the students will always remember!