Home Community News YOFs Chinese Auction Dazzles Visitors

YOFs Chinese Auction Dazzles Visitors

David Oved, Bebe Levitt and Allan Shamah pick a winnerGlowing butterfly streamers dangled from the ceiling of the brilliantly designed Yeshivah of Flatbush Metamorphosis Chinese Auction room at Shaare Zion recently. Everybody was upbeat, hoping for a big winand some got their wish. Change is inevitable, growth is intentional, was the theme, as YOF changes, enhances, and is reborn every year, always looking at how it can suit the children of our community, while maintaining its traditional standard of excellence.

I had an incredible time working with a wonderful committee of dedicated mothers and staff to make this night an amazing success! said Naomi Houllou, who chaired the event along with Vivian Farhi. I was so lucky to work on the auction with a great committee. The room looked amazing and our prizes were better than ever! Seeing the happy crowd made all of our hard work worth while. Im looking forward to next year! added Mrs. Farhi.

There was a tremendous effort before the auction to ensure the evenings financial success, including many nights of phone calls to hundreds of families to encourage purchasing pre-sale coupons and raffles. The money was raised for the yeshivahs tuition assistance program.

The night had an aura of excitement as all the guests, dressed to the nines, optimistically dropped tickets into the boxes of their choice. The big prizes included a trip for two to Israel; a $5,000 Manhattan shopping spree and $8,000 in new appliances. Not coincidently, some of the prizes had a direct link to YOF, such as free round-trip van service or $500 towards student lunches. Teens and children were well-represented at the tables too.

Some fun, youth-oriented prizes included a music package with an electric guitar and amplifiers; tickets to Jets, Yankee and Mets games; an art birthday party with YOF art teacher Tobey Salem and an all-sports birthday party with David Dweck.

Auction staff had the forethought to make sure no child or adult went home disappointed: the instant win game, chaired by Barbara Sherman and Frieda Lubin, gave bidders scratch-offs good for a prize at the table or for coupons to deposit into boxes at other prize tables.

You have to go in knowing youll win, not just hoping you will, said Terri Douek.

Kids also got to participate in a Brain Challenge game show. The turnout and enthusiasm were impressive. The room was packed and many hands were raised as children scrambled to get their answers in first. After, the fun continued as kids (and adults) were invited to make their own ice cream sundaes.

Lines were long for sliders and hot dogs, pulled brisket sandwiches with scrumptious mashed potatoes, lentil salad, turkey and cranberry sauce, tender corned beef, and an array of sushi, supplied by RAM Caterers. The desserts took up a room of their own. There was a plethora of pastel-frosted mini-cupcakes, countless biscotti, and trays of fresh fruit.

It was gratifying to see how many faculty attended, and a delightful opportunity to share a fun-loving evening with YOF families. Many thanks to the throngs of YOF staff, parents and friends who volunteered to man the tables and help with the nights setup, as well as the yeshivahs annual campaign donors, and the generous sponsors who helped make the auction possible: Shamah Brothers (Accutime), the Jack Adjmi Family Foundation, Creoh Designs, Jay Franco, Michelle and Jack Haddad, Elaine and Bernie Hafif, Aida and Nathan Hasson, Micki and Ayal Horovits, Lilly and Dr. Isaac Madeb, Nes Group, Melissa and Dr. Isaac Tbeile, Jack Terzi, and World Trade Jewelers.

Special thanks to Naomi Houllou and Vivian Farhi, Sherry Chemtob, Andrea Falack, Carla Zeitouny, and Bertha Sabbagh for their many hours of diligence and dedication to the event, which made it a success. Much appreciation also goes to Esther Kizelnik, Bebe Levitt, Jack Mann, the advance sales department and the entire executive office for their help with the event.
Michelle Olveira is the public relations assistant at YOF and a freelance editor at Disney.