Whether it is fresh peaches, juicy watermelon slices, or skewers packed with veggies, students in the Yeshivah of Flatbush Elementary School are delighted with the nutritious snacks being provided for them by the new YOF Nutrition Program. Thanks to the tremendous efforts of YOF mother Julie Betesh, gracious sponsors, and the enthusiastic support of Lower Division General Studies Principal Leonard Zeplin, a truck from Edible Arrangements pulls up to the school daily providing students with cold, fresh and nourishing snacks. Judging from the way the two assigned students from each class eagerly run down to the main foyer to collect their tins, it is evident that this program is greatly appreciated.

Another aspect of the program that has brought more healthy changes to the Lower Division is a class taught by nutrition consultant Michelle Cohen. A peek into one of Michelle’s classes reveals students jogging in place, checking their pulses, and waving their arms with questions about saturated and unsaturated fats. In each 40-minute session, she discusses how to choose foods with less sugar, salt and fat. The children also learn about calories, cholesterol and the importance of exercise. Michelle explains, “We believe that if we empower the children with this knowledge, they will make healthy eating choices. Children are also more likely to respond when they see their peers making nutritious changes as well.”

In order to generate excitement and funds for the Healthy Snack Program, an assembly was held for grades 1-5. Students sought sponsors for activities that they would participate in during Fun and Fitness Day, a school day spent at Six Diamonds Field last spring. During this fun- and sun-filled day of exercise, dollars for each cartwheel, jump of the rope, basketball throw and soccer kick added up as teachers and volunteering parents counted. To the delight of all involved, the day was extremely enjoyable and the efforts to raise funds for the Healthy Snack Program were quite “fruitful!”

Thank you to the committee of volunteers that worked on the Nutrition Program and helped to create such a wonderful day! The committee included: Barbara Abraham, Liza Ashear, Julie Betesh, Rochelle Dweck, Andrea Falack, Michelle Haddad, Monique Haddad, Jennifer Jemal, Adele Laboz, Ami Sasson, Stephanie Sharaby, Esther Shasho and Betty Sitt.
Thank you to the sponsors who generously contributed to the success of Fun and Fitness Day! Knapsacks were donated by Barbara and Zeke Abraham. The kites were donated by Andrea and Sonny Falack. Adele Laboz donated jump ropes and Skip-its. Glenny’s and the YOF Ladies Auxiliary sponsored all the snacks! A big thanks to Ladies Auxiliary Honorary President Michele Levy!

Renee Beyda is a YOF parent and its public relations assistant.