Home Jewish Communities YoF Falcons Play At Barclays Center

YoF Falcons Play At Barclays Center

The Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School (JBHS) Falcons recently turned the Barclays Center into a falcons’ nest, for the night! The girls and boys varsity basketball teams traveled across the borough to the Atlantic Avenue home of the NBA’s Brooklyn Nets, where they took on MYHSAL (the Metropolitan Yeshivah High School Athletic League) rival HAFTR (The Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns) Hawks.

As the Varsity Falcons were introduced, the stands behind the player’s benches began to fill with Flatbush supporters—classmates, parents and friends, sporting maroon and gold, ready to cheer for their favorite team.

It wasn’t long before the action was underway, and the players’ focus turned away from the unique surroundings to the challenge of facing their league opponents. Girls’ Basketball Head Coach Rozan Mizrahi-Loudon and Boys’ Basketball Head Coach Michael Gurock were exceptional on the sidelines, ensuring that every player was able to make a significant contribution on the court, and that the games were both competitive and entertaining.

Afterwards, fans and players reflected on the once-in-a-lifetime experience. Flatbush senior Isaac Sutton said, “To know that I am playing on the same court that Kyrie Irving plays on, is just awesome!”

“This was an amazing night! The show of support from the students in the stands was absolutely unbelievable. I hope this is something we will be able to do again in the future,” said a Falcon parent.

Special thanks to YoF Athletic Director Eric Amkraut and his staff, who worked closely with representatives of the Brooklyn Nets to make the event possible. It was a fantastic evening for each and every Falcon, and a highlight of the season, for students on the court and in the stands.