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YOF Choices Awareness Day: Combating the Dangers that Teens Face and Developing New Ideas

The Yeshivah of Flatbush High School Guidance Department, coordinated by Dr. Gila Sandler, recently spearheaded an exciting program to combat some of the dangers faced by teens. The First Annual Choices Awareness Day was organized by Eva Bernfeld, LCSW, Lillian Galapo, School Psychologist, the Guidance Staff and the Choices Commission.

Over 60 students, accompanied by faculty advisors from Magen David Yeshivah, the Ramaz Upper School, SAR Academy, Community High School and YOF took part in the program to learn about the YOF Choices Commission and to develop ideas and initiatives in their schools.

The day began with a video presentation featuring many of the Flatbush students expressing their thoughts about these issues and the empowerment they experience from being part of a preventive commission. This group is comprised of juniors and seniors who are committed to good decision making regarding at risk behaviors.

The students sign a pledge at the beginning of the year to abstain from any experimentation with drugs and alcohol and avoid all unhealthy activities. Throughout the year, they attend weekly meetings to discuss the dangers they face. Topics include: drugs, alcohol, gambling, eating disorders, unhealthy relationships and Internet safety. Members become educated about the facts, act as role models for their peers, and then develop many programs for the middle and high school.

The video was followed by a powerful speech provided by the SAFE Foundation. The participants were engrossed by the presenters account of his experience with drugs, alcohol and the consequences he had to endure. One student described him as, a truly inspirational speaker with a message for everyone in the room and all in attendance took his words to heart.

Once this tone was set, there was an in depth presentation by Eva Bernfeld, LCSW on the dangers of alcohol and drugs. Dr. Russell Hoffman, SAR Academy School Psychologist, then spoke about the importance of decision making and explained the effects of substances on the adolescent brain.

Next, the students were divided into groups, which gave them the chance to interact and share their perspectives and experiences. They first engaged in a role-playing activity where each student had a chance to provide practical solutions to real life scenarios. Many issues were presented and tackled with honesty, including the influence of peer pressure, the importance of self-confidence, assertiveness and practical refusal skills.

The students enjoyed voicing their thoughts, as one explained, It was very interesting to hear how my friends would handle these situations, because sometimes its hard to come up with solutions on your own, on the spot. I now feel more prepared to deal with uncomfortable situations. Participants were also able to hear about the experiences of kids from other schools, which gave them a new outlook and common ground to foster support for one another.

The final workshop provided an opportunity for students to brainstorm with each other. Each group generated innovative ideas to bring back to their school. These included methods of incorporating technology in spreading awareness of issues, starting other commissions in various schools such as ST-AR (STudents Acting Responsibly), a substance awareness month and a supportive network for the students to stay in contact with each other.

The students and faculty emerged from the day enriched and highly motivated to be pioneers in each of their schools. The impact and excitement of the day appears to have laid the groundwork for healthy dialogue about substance use in schools all around the community. As one participant succinctly summarized, I came into Flatbush today knowing that drugs and alcohol werent good choices. Not only do I now know why, I feel like I can go out and make a difference to all those around me. This was the goal of Choices Awareness Day, generating new leaders one teen at a time.
Eva Bernfeld, LCSW is a member of the Joel Braverman High School Guidance Department.