Home Community News Yeshivah of Flatbush Honors Educators: 85th Anniversary Awards

Yeshivah of Flatbush Honors Educators: 85th Anniversary Awards

Mrs. Leah Breski, accompanied by her son, and fellow honorees Rabbi Dr. David Hertzberg, Rabbi Naftali Besser and Rabbi Zelig PragThe Yeshivah of Flatbush celebrated its 85th anniversary of educational excellence recently and paid tribute to four teachers who have positively influenced countless students and families over the years: Rabbi Zelig Prag, Chairman of the YOF Joel Braverman High School Talmud Department; Rabbi Naftali Besser, Dean of Students at the Joel Braverman High School; Rabbi Dr. David Hertzberg, Middle Division Principal; and Mrs. Leah Breski, Lower Division Torah Studies teacher. Over 500 people turned out to recognize the honorees deep commitment to education and Jewish life.

The event at Shaare Zion also celebrated the installation of a new roster of lay leaders at YOF. Ladies Auxiliary 2011-2012 President Ami Sasson welcomed Melissa Tbeile as her successor together with Nathalie Vilinsky as President-Elect. Current President Mark Goldstein will head the yeshivahs lay leadership board for a second term, ensuring continuity in a time of growth and innovation. He spoke of this summers major improvements, which include a new auditorium and much more, thanks to the Khezrie, Ben-Haim and Laboz families. He also announced the launch of a major capital campaign to build a state-of-the-art facility adjacent to the high school building, thanks to the extraordinary generosity of the Al and Sonny Gindi families.

Beautiful videos featuring each honoree portrayed them now and during their many years of teaching, with heartfelt words spoken by their devoted students and colleagues.

Rabbi Prag has an unparalleled knowledge and depth of understanding of Jewish halachah and minhagim (laws and customs). Many community rabbis seek out his insights. His warmth, perception and love for his students are an inspiration.

Rabbi Besser has been part of the YOF family for 33 years, where his kindness and charisma enable him to form enduring bonds with so many. His aim has always been to instill in his students a love of Judaism; and his programming has been ground-breaking. For the past 10 years, he has coordinated the YOF hesed missions to Israel for students, and for the past four year for adults. In addition, he gives regular lessons at Kol Israel Congregation in Brooklyn.

Middle Division Principal Rabbi Dr. David Hertzbergs many interests and accomplishments exemplify his perspective, which integrates sacred wisdom with secular knowledge. He recently completed a Doctor of Arts degree in modern world history. His success as a teacher and administrator is due to his wide-ranging knowledge, excellent communication skills and his warm, helpful and caring nature.

Mrs. Leah Breski has been teaching Torah Studies to 5th graders for over four decades. She was an early advocate on behalf of the teachers at YOF, and her efforts helped create an environment where innovative teaching can flourish.

85th Anniversary Campaign Chairmen Steven Adelsberg and Jack Mann thanked President Mark Goldstein and his administration for their invaluable support, along with David Oved, Alan Shamah, Bebe Levitt, Esther Kizelnik, Abraham Kirzner, Barbara Sherman and the entire executive office staff, who were vital to the effort.

Event Chairpersons Rena Goldstein and Joan Mann brought to fruition a vibrant and unforgettable 85th anniversary celebration.
Diane Chabbott is a writer and editor and publicist at the Yeshivah of Flatbush.