Home Education Yeshiva at the Jersey Shore Continues to Expand

Yeshiva at the Jersey Shore Continues to Expand

After a lengthy review process with dozens of educators, clergy members and parents, the board of directors of the Yeshiva at the Jersey Shore (YJS) in Deal Park, NJ voted recently to create a combined third and fourth grade class in the fall. The board reached a unanimous decision after reviewing a feasibility study prepared by the Head of School and the education committee.

ImageParents, educators and board members all had the opportunity to voice their opinions on this progressive educational approach in a series of meetings. “As the review process evolved and literally every possible factor was investigated, the committee members and board members realized that a combined class was not only possible, but it was beneficial to the entire school,” said Judie Boim of Elberon, who chairs the YJS education committee. “This is just one of the many ways YJS demonstrates its commitment to the needs of children and families in the community.”

YJS is now accepting enrollment for first, second and a combined third and fourth grade. Located in the Ruth Hyman Jewish Community Center, YJS is a modern Orthodox day school that provides a child-centered curriculum designed to nurture every child’s intellect. The combined class reflects the growth of the school, which has attracted families who have relocated from CT and NT, as well as families who commute from other parts of NJ.

“We are extremely excited about the combined third and fourth grade, since it dovetails beautifully into our philosophy of giving every child precisely what they need to maximize their potential,” said Rabbi Elie Tuchman, Head of School. “What allows us to do this is our individualized, hand-tailored approach. This kind of progressive program would not work in a cookie cutter environment. We are tailoring our curriculum to the needs of students.”

Several families expressed interest in a fourth grade last year, but the school offered only first through third grades. When the families suggested a combined third and fourth grade class, the school decided to explore it. “The question we put on the table was ‘Can we do this and still maintain the top-notch academic level for the existing class, while also offering a superior education to fourth graders?’ The answer is a resounding yes,” said Rabbi Tuchman.

“We’ve put a lot of work into designing a curriculum that is both solidly grounded in grade level standards yet also individualized. Our mission at YJS is already committed to individualizing the curriculum to different needs and levels within each class level. This is an expansion of the approach that’s already in place,” the Rabbi continued.

For the Jacobs family of Ocean Township, the combined third and fourth grade class is exactly the kind of nurturing yet highly academic environment they are seeking for their 9-year-old daughter, who will transfer to YJS in the fall from another Jewish day school.

“We like the idea of a smaller class atmosphere and its hands-on, interactive approach to learning. We feel our daughter will have more personalized attention, and a deeper and more meaningful secular and religious education,” said Judy Jacobs.

What impressed the Jacobs the most was that parents were involved in the planning process of the combined class. “YJS is a community where people’s voices are heard and are a part of the process,” Alan Jacobs said. “The head of school truly cares about our input, and we have the utmost confidence in his ability to make it a success.”

For more information about YJS, please contact Head of School Rabbi Elie Tuchman at (732) 663-2929 or rabbi@yatjs.org.