Home Health and Medical Winter Skin Care Regimen

Winter Skin Care Regimen

In the winter, our skin reacts to the cold air, We sleep with the heat on, and the wind outside blows against our faces. When we’re not outside in the freezing cold, we’re inside, where the air is heated. With the extreme cold and hot, most of us need to add to or alter our skin care regimen.

If you do not take good care of your skin, it will get dry and chapped. When you don’t take care of your skin, wrinkles appear faster. Dry skin gets drier and oily skin either gets a little drier or stays oily. Sooner or later, the time will come when you will have to take action. One would think that the summer would be more damaging to our skin than the winter, but most of us take better care of our skin during the summer.

Most women and teens are very aware of the importance of taking good care of their skin. What is surprising to me is when women admit to extreme dryness, but want to buy makeup instead of moisturizer. The saying “the makeup only goes on as good as the skin beneath it” is true. If your skin is dry don’t expect it to look smooth.

Naturally, the longer it is neglected, the harder it is to heal. Many women say that they don’t like the feeling of a moisturizer that they can feel on their skin. Others don’t like the feel of foundation. Some wear a water based foundation with dry skin, which doesn’t cover the impurities and only lasts an hour or two. I just met a woman that told me how much she loves makeup. When I touched her cheek, she didn’t have any moisturizer on. Her water based foundation was wearing off, although it was only 10 am. She wasn’t aware that she wasn’t taking proper care of her skin or wearing the right makeup, but she was very happy to learn.

It’s important to know what type of skin you have. If it is normal or a little dry, it falls under the category of dry. Even if you get a few blemishes on your T-Zone, it is still dry. However, if you have blackheads on your cheek area and feel the oil, it’s oily. Oily skin can  have dry patches and that usually comes from over washing or harsh cleansers.

If your skin needs help, get an evaluation from a skin care expert. If you randomly pick products that seem right, you are not assured of exactly what you need. I like to give my clients a choice. They take the smell and feel test and they get to choose what feels right to them after I show them a few different products that will improve their skin. We are all fussy and what one of us likes may not be appealing to another.

Normal To Dry Skin

We all need to wash with a cleanser twice daily. After, I close my pores with a toner, I like to wash with a very soft facial brush that will loosen the dirt and open my pores. Once or twice a month we need to use a rehydrating masque which has tiny grains and will gently remove dead cells while adding much needed moisture and oxygen to our skin. If you are over 30 you will want to improve your skin with a serum, which adds concentrated vitamins and antioxidants which are needed to nourish your skin. You might benefit from a Vitamin C serum, or a Night Lipisome treatment. Some of us need a Peptide Serum. There are many choices and they are costly. Before you spend your money, get an expert opinion. Find someone that understands your skin. Many women do well at department stores where they have very sophisticated products. Just remember that the professionals that work there work on commission.

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize

If you wear a light moisturizer and your skin is dry, chances are it will disappear an hour later. A moisturized feeling should last all day. Get to know the feel of your skin. Most of us are so used to the way our skin is that we aren’t really aware that it may be dehydrated or parched. I know it may feel strange wearing something a little heavier, but the alternative is wrinkles. If you are dry, chances are that you will need a night cream. When you apply your makeup the next day you will be thrilled. Your foundation will glide on and your skin will have a natural glow.

Oily Skin

Women and teens with oily skin seem to get very upset about it. The upside is that the oil keeps your skin from wrinkling and you will be so happy when you age. Oily skin takes as much care as normal skin. Start with a cleanser and astringent made for your skin type. Use a small facial brush to loosen pores and deep clean your skin.

You must use an oil-free moisturizer if you have dry patches. It makes your skin smoother and can never harm your skin if it is oil free. Keep your hands and hair off your face as much as possible. If you wear hand cream and touch your face that will add more oil. I like to dry out the oil gently with a mud or clay masque. Personally, I don’t approve of facials because the skin is manipulated and squeezed. Oily skin will also benefit from a serum.

Sylvia Hamowy is the owner of Reflections Cosmetics. She is a professional makeup artist, beauty editor and former radio show host. She is featured in the international Who’s Who of Entrepreneurs, a distinguished professional reference.