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Western Wall Shlicheem (Prayer Agents)

Our shlicheem help people all over the world through the unique strength of prayers uttered at the Western Wall, while at the same time raising money for Torah institutions as well as families and individuals involved in Torah learning in Jerusalem.

ImageAdam Yardeni

Adam Yardeni is originally from El Paso, Texas and moved to Israel 3 ½ years ago. He learns full-time at Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah. Adam is known for his immense heart, kindness and supportiveness. When asked how he feels after davening 40 days at the Kotel, Adam said "It’s like a mashal (parable) for a relationship or for life…after 40 days straight of seeing someone, you can’t just stop seeing them. You’ve invested time with that person. You want to see them more on the 41st day than you did on the first."

ImageAryeh Leib Mailer

Aryeh Leib moved to Israel from London 2 years ago to pursue full-time Torah learning at Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah. Motivated by a tremendous love of Torah, he is quickly becoming a talmid chacham (Torah scholar). He is dedicated, focused and committed to serving G-d.

ImageReb Daryl Michel

Reb Michel is the Gabi (manager) of Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah. He grew up in South Africa and moved to Israel together with his wife 8 years ago. They have 2 children. Reb Michel is a role model to all who know him, combining both exceptional Torah scholarship (the classic Jewish title of praise “talmid chacham” definitely fits him) and good character.

ImageReb David Hamberstone

Reb Hamberstone studies full-time at Zilbermans’ yeshiva. He, his wife, 4 children, parents and extended family all live in the Old City of Jerusalem. He is a talmid chacham and has exceptional mesiras nefesh (self-sacrifice) for Torah. In spite of his vast scholarship, he is known to all as an incredibly humble human being.

ImageReb Mendel Dubinsky

Reb Dubinsky is originally from the US. He left behind a lucrative career in retail to pursue Torah studies in Israel and through his dedication has achieved a high level of scholarship. He divides his time between davening at the Kotel, learning Torah, and inspiring all around him through sharing what he learns.


ImageRabbi Mordechai Sheef

Rabbi Sheef is the mashgiach (spiritual counselor) of Zilbermans’ yeshiva in the Old City of Jerusalem. He looks after the well-being of the yeshiva’s students and staff with warmth and dedication. He is a second generation Jerusalemite and has 9 children. Rav Sheef is known for his refined speech – speaking only of matters connected to Torah.

ImageReb Nachshum Rafaeli

Reb Rafaeli is a second generation Jerusalemite. He is one of the top learners at Zilbermans’ yeshiva and is known for his helpfulness. He, his wife and his parents all live in the Old City of Jerusalem.

ImageRabbi Pesach Tzvi Dan Siegel

Reb Dan Siegel grew up in the city of B’nei B’rak, near Tel Aviv. He studies at Zilbermans’ yeshiva where he also teaches a class on a classic guide to character improvement, Path of the Just. He is known as a great Torah scholar and tzaddik (righteous person). He has 6 children and lives in the Old City of Jerusalem.

ImageReb Yonatan Doron

Reb Doron is originally from Jerusalem and lives in the Old City of Jerusalem with his wife and 3 children. He learns Torah at both Zilbermans’ yeshiva and on Har Zion (Mt. Zion). He is known for his friendliness and good character.

ImageReb Yosef Citron

Reb Citron divides his time primarily between praying at the Kotel and learning at Zilbermans’ yeshiva, where he has studied for 10 years. He also teaches Talmud. He and his wife, the daughter of the famed Rav Reuben of Jerusalem, have 1 child.

These are just a few of our shlicheem. We unfortunately cannot take requests for particular shlicheem. Prayer agents are based on availability, which, according to the Torah, is determined through hashgaha pratis (divine providence).