Home Education Vote for Politicians Who Support School Choice

Vote for Politicians Who Support School Choice

School choice “voucher system” is a common sense idea that gives every parent the power and freedom to choose where their children are educated.

It is immoral that the quality of schooling that your child receives is based on the value and location of your home. School choice allows parents to choose a school based on its quality and their childs needs, not their address.

Most people cant afford to pay twice for one childs educationonce in taxes and once in private school tuition. School choice gives parents financial power, permitting them to use public funds, which are already set aside for education, to send their children to the public or private school of their choice.

Public education in America isnt working anymore. School choice forces all schoolspublic and privateto offer the best education possible in order to recruit and retain students.

The school voucher system will work. It allows parents to use all or part of the taxes they pay for their childrens education. In effect, vouchers should be where the government financing of education is separated from the government operation of schools.

The impending 2012 elections will bring in new politicians. We need these men and women to support school choicefrom local communities to state officials to the halls of Congress. It is undeniable that Americans have had enough of the waste, inefficiency, and lack of accountability on display in Washington and in all 50 states.

Human freedom, limited government, responsible spending, and the power for individuals and families to make their own choices, especially in education, have been championed by advocates of school choice for decades. Their hard work is paying off across the country, as legislators respond to calls for choice and the enactment of new voucher, tax-credit scholarships, and educational tax credit programs.

No single, one-size-fits-all approach to education can meet the unique needs of the countrys diverse students, families, and communities. People deserve options and the right to choose whats best for them and their children.

The gains of recent years are heartening. Because our options are increasing, more kids are receiving the motivating, challenging, effective educations they deserve. We have come a long waybut there is still much to be done. The opponents of school choice will only increase their efforts to maintain the status quo. Thats why we need to call, email, and fax our local, state and federal government officials with the request to support school choice.

All parents who want to save money on their private school tuition should get together and in the next election vote only for politicians who support school choice. Please register on our website www.schoolchoiceNY.org and together put pressure on politicians to support school choice.

Send The Following Petition To Your Local, State and/or Federal Government Officials. Mail to as many politicians as possible.

Dear Elected Official ______________________,
I appeal to you to implement a school choice “voucher system” program. It is our right, as American citizens, to determine where our children receive their education. The needs of each child, combined with the values of the parents, should be paramount in determining how and where a child is educated.

Under the current system, funds for education are extracted from the entire populace through taxation, thus the State has undertaken the responsibility to fund the education of all children.

Therefore, the State must provide educational funding for each childin public schools and in  private schools. The selection of the educational provider should be made by those with the greatest interest in the welfare of each childhis/her parents.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.





US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
478 Russell
Washington DC 20510

US Senator Charles Schumer
322 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510

Congressman Michael Grimm
7308 13th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11228

Congressman Bob Turner
80-02 Kew Gardens Road, Suite 5000
Kew Gardens, NY 11415

Congressman Jerrold Nadler
131 Varick St, Suite 1017
New York, NY 10013

State Senator Martin J. Golden
7408 5th Avenue, 1st Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11209

State Senator Kevin S. Parker
1300 Flatbush Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11210

Assemblyman Peter Abate
6419 11th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219

Assemblyman Alec Brook-Krasny
2823 West 12 Street, Suite 1F
Brooklyn, NY 11224

Assemblyman William Colton
155 Kings Highway
Brooklyn, NY 11223

Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz
1800 Sheepshead Bay Road
Brooklyn, NY 11235

Assemblyman Dov Hikind
1310 48th St.
Brooklyn, NY 11219


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