Home Community News TopGun Is Back for Its 20th Year

TopGun Is Back for Its 20th Year

Bigger and Better Than Ever

We are proud to announce that Team SBHs TopGun is returning to Deal for its 20th year and it is still the premiere event of the summer! Only this year, on Sunday August 12th, things are going to be a little bit differentTopGun 2012 is going to be the best one yet!

Over the past couple of years, the SBH committee has worked tirelessly to roll out what has now become an epic hitTeam SBH. From now on, Team SBH will include all athletes who take part in any SBH event. That means we are now a team of over 2,000 community members who raise money through athleticism, making us true Champions for Charity.

Our team now includes every athlete who competes in the Run for a Dream Disney Marathon, the King of the Court Tennis Tournament, our brand new King and Queen of the Links Golf Tournament, and, of course, TopGun. Since its creation, Team SBH has taken on a life of its own and has created an amazing multi-dimensional yearlong campaign in support of Sephardic BikurHolim.

Although TopGun is now a part of the larger Team SBH, we plan to continue with the classic TopGun tradition, while at the same time revolutionizing it with a few exciting new twists. We feel that our youth should be able to share in the same memories that we had as kidsthe endless and mouth-watering barbecue, watching the intense basketball championship game featuring our communitys best players, and a cool summer day spent with family and friends all showing their support for SBH.

With this years new location, we now have over three acres of land to work with. That means basketball courts, sand volleyball courts, and much more, all at one central site. This years event will also have more sports than ever beforeand for all ages! Mens basketball, boys basketball, girls basketball, mens soccer, womens soccer, beach volleyball, mens dodge ball, a girls dance competition, and backgammon are just some of the tournaments for athletes to choose from. So whether you have a passion for basketball, soccer, or dance, Team SBHs TopGun is the event for you!

If you dont want to participate in a TopGun Tournament, we have other ways for you to get involved. First and foremost, come out for a day of fun-filled activities and show your support! There is no better feeling for a player than looking up mid-game, out of stamina and completely drained, to see a crowd of cheering fans. Plus, there are countless sponsorship opportunities. Join Team SBH by becoming a corporate sponsor or become a TopGun 2012 event or day sponsor.

For all those who have yet to share in one of Team SBHs amazing events, we have made it a bit easier this year. The newly launched Team SBH website (TeamSBH.org) allows players to easily sign up for any of our tournaments and also allows sponsors to effortlessly make a pledge online.

So, get ready for the 20th Annual TopGun 2012, on August 12th! To sign up, visit TeamSBH.org. If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a sponsor, you can contact Ralph Mizrahi at (718) 664-5297 or RaMiz94@aol.com. Be sure to be part of this spectacular event and watch out for exciting new surprises along the way!