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The Sephardic Women's Charity Club

ImageHave you heard the buzz about the little pouches the women of our community have been walking around with? Rebecca Kraiem, Barbara Haber, Jane Choueka and Loraine Mishan have been busy handing out these little pouches or (as they like to think of them) personal tzedakah boxes, to be used to collect money on a monthly basis to be allocated to a community charity in crisis that month.

It started with a community yeshivah in crisis that needed to raise immediate funds. They called upon one of their supporters asking for a large donation. The husband discussed it with his wife and realized that they just couldnt do it, but she couldnt get the phone call off her mind. She truly wanted to help them and other institutions in need. She spent a lot of time thinking about it and decided to call a few friends.

Rabbi Mansour, Loraine Mishan, Jane Choueka, Rebecca Kraiem and Barbara Haber

Rabbi Mansour, Loraine Mishan, Jane Choueka, Rebecca Kraiem and Barbara Haber

They had a meeting and started brainstorming. First they came up with the idea of saving money in pouches. Then one woman said that it would be great if they could get the pouches into the hands of 100 women. That led another to say it would be even better if they could get the pouches into the hands of 1,000 women. And so that became their goal. They formed a group and called themselves The Sephardic Womens Charity Club (SWCC).

The SWCC is a group of dedicated women who are trying to raise awareness of the escalating financial problems in our community. By setting aside a minimal amount: $20, $10, $5 or even just $1 each week, a woman can make a huge difference. The last week of every month, a reminder is sent through text or email reminding the women that its time to drop off the money in their pouches.

The response has been incredible. Women have been eager to get involved, each one at her own level and ability. Each woman has her own way of saving. Here are some ways members have found to put money aside:

I put away a dollar a day, each day.

Each Friday I put tzedaka in my pouch before I light candles.

I take my pouch to the gym and collect from my exercise buddies each week.

I collect at my card club.

I put a few dollars away every time I go shopping.

As I argued with a friend over who would pay for lunch, I decided to let her pay and put the same amount in my pouch.

ImageDoing this is very empowering, said one of the women. Saving money in the pouch isnt a burden when you do it a little at a time. Our husbands are always getting involved in charities; this is something completely for the women of our community.

There is, however, one man involved. The women are operating under the leadership and guidance of Rabbi Eli J. Mansour, who is incredibly proud of them. This is a group of righteous women who came up with a good idea to help our yeshivot and social service organizations. Its a novel idea and worth our thought. Its a tremendous force when a group gets together. I am excited by this. Their success is not only measured in dollars, but by the consistent, conscientious efforts made by a united group, sharing in the burden of our community in charity, unity and kindness. It will make a great impact, a big repercussion in shamayim. It has my blessings, he said with a smile.

Their first check went to the Sephardic Food Fund. By saving a few dollars here and a few dollars there, the women raised $1,800 their first month.

We are humbled that you have chosen us as the first organization to donate to, and honored to receive such a wonderful gift from a club dedicated to doing Hashems work, said the SFF in a heartfelt letter expressing their gratitude. The second month they raised $1,818, which was allocated to a specific department at the Sephardic Bikur Holim.

There is no doubt that these women will help many more worthy charities for a long time to come.

We would like to get you involved! Call one of the volunteers to receive your very own pouch and get your family and friends involved, too. Please call to share your ideas. Call Jane (917) 647-1620, Barbara (917) 579-5560, Rebecca (212) 464-7110 or Loraine (646) 752-2184, or email swcc18@gmail.com.