Home Community News The Permitted Fruit of Magen Abraham Institute

The Permitted Fruit of Magen Abraham Institute

Rabbi Kassin addressing the kahal at Magen Abrahams Chanukat HabayitJudaic law requires that one, who happens upon a tree whose fruit he has never tasted, must savor its fruit in order to give praise to G-d. Within the borders of Brooklyn, the Sephardic community has given forth a marvelous new tree, better known as Magen Abraham (MA) located at 2066 East 9th Street, and spearhead by the renowned Rabbi Duvi BenSoussan.

If I was to identify a species of forest that MA may be categorized under, it would be the Tree of Life implanted at the center of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:9). King Solomon compares the Torah teachings to a tree of life as is stated within Proverbs, She (Torah) is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her, and happy is every one that retaineth her (Proverbs 3:18).

I tasted the fruit of Magen Abraham; I attend its services, participate in its programs and take advantage of the numerous benefits that it has to offer. MA is bustling with programs focused on helping you achieve your spiritual potential and developing the skills needed to succeed in reaching your goals. MA has the assets and the people that will assist you and guide you in your everyday dilemmas and challenges. The irony of it all is that Adam was prohibited and never got the chance to eat from the Tree of Life; However, I along with countless others had the pleasure of eating from the tree of lifeMagen Abraham.

Magen Abraham takes pride in the diversity of its members, which includes individuals of all ages, various occupations (doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, accountants, accomplished business owners, teachers, clergymen, and students), and differing nationalities. Persons of all backgrounds are encouraged to take part in MA because Magen Abraham recognizes the numerous benefits associated with diversity including the confluence of different ideas and ways of thinking. The Biblical commentators note that Jacob gave each of his children a blessing unique to his nature (Orah Hahyim on the Torah, Genesis 49:28). Jacob clearly recognized the diverse nature of his children and wanted to foster that diversity by delivering a blessing customized to the character of each child. Jacob conveyed an important message that a united nation composed of a diverse people is unshakable. So too, Magen Abraham appreciates the unique identity of each of its members and nurtures that uniqueness for the benefit of its possessor and the benefit of the whole.

Another benefit of diversity is that it cultivates an environment where everyone feels accepted and valued. The unity among the members of Magen Abraham is heartening. To illustrate, an attendant of MA was seeking employment. Without second guessing, two of MAs accomplished members offered the person a position. Moreover, at the time that Magen Abraham was organizing and coming into existence, the members rushed to volunteer their time to raise funds and to make certain that the building of MA was ready to accommodate the many. The atmosphere of Magen Abraham permeates with a feeling of love and family further solidified by inspirational Shabbatons and fun getaways for everyone to enjoy.

What makes Magen Abraham unique and unprecedented is the great length it goes to in order to empower its members and develop their leadership qualities. MA welcomes its members to share ideas and propose new programs, and insists that the individual spearheads his/her program and see that his/her ideas come into fruition. The great majority of MAs programs, events, activities, and getaways are the initiative and design of its members. A program popular in the Sephardic community of Brooklyn and exclusive to Magen Abraham is the Sephardic Chafetz Chaim Society (SCCS) which addresses issues related to speech and lashon harah (gossip). SCCS sends a daily short and enlightening Torah text-message to hundreds of individuals and brings world renowned speakers to share inspiring words with the community. This amazing program is spearheaded by the beloved participant of MA, Dr. Marco Ballas. It is no coincidence that the kings of Israel are descendant from the tribe of Judah. Judah, the son of Jacob, demonstrated great leadership qualities including his fortitude in standing up to the viceroy of Pharaoh in order to save his younger brother from captivity (Ramban on the Torah, Genesis, 49:28). So too, Magen Abraham uses every resource at its disposal to bring out the Judah in every person.

It is undeniable that we are living in an age where effective communication and presentation skills are critical to ones success in life. Therefore, MA offers its members a stage to develop such skills; it reserves the time between Minha and Arbit (Seudat Shelishit) for its members to present a speech about a topic of their liking. Many who have doubted their ability to speak in public eventually realized that it is their passion. To illustrate, a member of MA who never lectured to a large crowd was encouraged to prepare a speech. By the end of his speech, the lad who initially could not get himself to string words together left the crowd at a loss of words. That Saturday night, the young man recited the speech three more times to his loved ones and his rabbi. The rabbi, a man of words, was at a loss of words no different from the crowd of Magen Abraham. Moreover, following Saturday morning prayers, MA offers up to six simultaneous Judaic classes, three of which are taught by rabbis and the rest are presented by regular individuals who recognized their fervor in Judaism and public communication. Many new and great speakers have been realized at MA.

The array of educational and inspiring classes does not end Saturday morning after Shahrit nor begin there either. Every day of the week, Torah classes begin at 6 am and continue through 9 am interceded by Shahrit from 7:00 am to 7:45 am. The morning classes are focused on critical analysis and Talmudic studies taught by Rabbi Duvi BenSoussan, Rabbi Refael Mezrahi, Rabbi Avi Salem, and Shay Zeitouni. Morning prayers are followed by a deluxe breakfast to ensure that each person starts off the day satisfied and energized. In the evening, the busy schedule of Magen Abraham resumes with interactive classes given in various topics including Bible study, Talmudic examination, Judaic law, business law, domestic relations, and ethics. The classes run from 8 pm to 10 pm followed by evening services. Once a week, MA invites a distinguished speaker (Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rabbi Rietti, and Rabbi David Goldwaser) to discuss topics pertinent to life and spiritual growth.

The week climaxes at the arrival of Shabbat. Evening services are led by one-of-a-kind Cantor Dan Hamra, followed by a stirring speech beautifully articulated by Rabbi BenSoussan. The Shabbat-morning-studies begin at 7:30 am followed by a passionate tefilah at 8:45 am. After prayers, the congregants are treated to lunch, along with a menu of classes to choose from. During the Shabbat afternoon session, Rabbi BenSoussan presents a juicy peace of Torah that arouses the participation of the quietest listener. Throughout Shabbat day, the children of Magen Abraham get to enjoy fun and educational classes and are rewarded with awesome prizes. The rabbis note that the Torah is compared to a great business because the person presenting its knowledge to others continues to retain it. Therefore, MA is dedicated to the business of Torah and the personal growth of its members.

Rabbi BenSoussan devotes his Wednesday nights to giving inspiring classes to a packed room of ladies, while welcoming their continued participation in the events of MA. On Saturday afternoon, Rabbi BenSoussan presents a captivating lecture to the ladies. It is befitting to give thanks to the ladies of Magen Abraham for spearheading the first Chinese Auction and for their continued support of MA. The women who are credited with the Egyptian redemption, the miracle of Purim, and the emancipation of Hanukah once again came to the assistance of the Jewish nation in planting the tree of life of today.

Magen Abraham surely is a tree of life with its roots deep in the ground ready to nurture its fruit and those who eat from it. Rabbi BenSoussan, is the guardian of this tree of life. Magen Abraham and Rabbi BenSoussan welcome everyone with love to sit under the shade of MA.
Miro Lati, Esq. is a member of our community as well as a member of the New York State Bar and the New Jersey State Bar. He practices in the areas of commercial litigation and business law.