Certain projects make me happy. They feel close to home and close to my heart, and this is one of them. This fall, for the very first time, the doors opened at the new mikveh in Manhattan Beach. Almost ten years in the making, it is luxurious and cozy, delightfully zen, and spa-like at its core. It is homey, private and welcoming, and so beautifully convenient. This is truly a momentous occasion.

The community of Manhattan Beach has been through a lot. We are tight and close knit, brought together by proximity, dedication, the love of privacy and of nature, and of course, our beloved shul, Ohel David and Shlomo. A decade ago, Rabbi Greenwald AâH, and his lovely wife Judy dreamed of opening a community mikveh right here in the neighborhood. Since then, so many people have come on board to bring the project to fruition, but there were also many roadblocksâboth financially, and logistically, and then of course, Hurricane Sandy.

Like everything in life, nothing worth having comes easy, but we are so proud and humbled that the hard work of so many has finally come to fruition. Tremendous thanks goes to Jackie and Moise Zaytoune, Steven and Renee Adelsberg, Gregory and Edmond Dweck, the Laboz family, Maureen and Solomon Cohen, Nathan and Aida Hasson, and Alan and Helene Shamah, among so many others. Many donors also came from the greater Sephardic community, in addition to different Jewish communities nearby, turning this mission into a sort of tapestry, making the finished product both unique and exquisite.

Located at 94 Amherst Street, right off of Hampton Avenue, the new mikveh is discreet, yet beautiful. Inside, the aromas are delicious and welcoming, as is the smile of the attendant at the desk. Offering privacy and tranquility, this establishment is respectful of all customs and preferences, and our guests are free to follow the halacha as they choose. Mrs. Coty Bitton and Rabbi Moshe Plutchok are both available by telephone to answer any questions or concerns that may pop up. There is also wheelchair accessibility, if necessary
The word mikveh brings up so much joy for me. In my mind the ritual symbolizes a chance to start anew. Itâs a moment to think and to ponder, an opportunity to be alone, but to feel Hashem around you. Itâs a reset button, for both husband and wife. Itâs about reviving yourself, and itâs about today; not yesterday or tomorrow, but the present, and that above all, is a gift to ourselves
The new mikveh boasts seven different changing rooms, including a special one for kallot, our most sacred brides. Each room is brand new, lavish and luxurious, featuring top-of-the-line soaps and toiletries, lush towels and bathrobes, and immaculate marble interiors. Fresh combs, brushes, toothbrushes etc., are all ready and waiting for each guest to prepare herself for a new month and a new opportunity for luck in any way she can imagine.
In addition to the two ritual baths, there is also a keilim mikveh on the lower level for immersing dishes and home goods. As an added extravagance, this area is accessible through a separate door all day long, and is both functional and beautiful, making the process far easier for all. Every aspect of the building makes this newest jewel in the Manhattan Beach crown better and better.
The Manhattan Beach Mikveh is truly spectacular and we welcome all who would like to join us in our cozy little neighborhood bath. Here youâll find the intimacy needed for this most intimate mitzvah. Youâll find privacy, the convenience of easy, free parking, fully equipped modern bathrooms, kind and respectful attendants and flexibility in hours and amenities. Follow us on Instagram @ManhattanBeachMikveh, visit our website MBmikveh.com, or call (718) 646-0560. A donation of $30 per visit is customary, or if you prefer, a yearly tax-deductible donation of $360 is also an option. Plaques are still available if you would like to honor a special woman in your life, or if you just want to help establish this important institution.
Please come visit anytime. No matter where you come from, or where you are going, Manhattan Beachâs doors are open to all, ready and willing to provide the most beautiful service for a most beautiful mitzvah.