The Shehebar Sephardic Center (SCC) trains and sends rabbinical leaders to the four corners of the earth helping to revive dying communities by instilling Jewish values and practices, educating Jews about their history, preventing assimilation and assuring continuity. Their work is possible thanks to Rabbi Sam Kassin and Rabbi Eli Shamoula of the SSC in Jerusalem
These newly ‘emerging’ communities are provided with rabbinical leaders who are able to transform these communities into thriving Jewish centers. This highly accredited leadership program has given its rabbis skills in public speaking, substance abuse, philosophy, psychology and family counseling, and shochets and mohels are trained in order for these communities to sustain their rich heritage and provide for all their needs. During the course of the next decade, they hope, with G-d’s help, to be able to place 100 additional rabbis in communities throughout the world.
Present Day Bogota
The Chief Rabbi of Colombia, Rabbi Solomon Meir Elharar, a student of Rabbi Sam Kassin at the SSC, has been the Rabbi of the Sephardic Congregation in Bogota for over eight years and was elected to serve as the country’s Chief Rabbi only four years ago. Rabbi Elharar maintains a continuous tie with the Rishon Lesion, the Sephardic Chief Rabbis of Israel, Rabbi Ovadya Yossef, Rabbi Mordecai Eliahou, Rabbi Eliahou Bakshi Doron and the incumbent Rabbi Shelomo Moshe Amar, from whom he receives advice on all matters of religious law.
Rabbi Elharar is a vibrant dynamic leader whose influence spreads far and wide in providing for the development of a deeper interest and greater observance of Judaism with each passing day. His goal is to bring a greater number of Jews closer to their roots, capable of studying Torah in the traditional sense, and observing the mitzvot, in keeping with the words of the Prophet Malachi: “to return the hearts of the children to their parents.”
In Colombia there are 10 synagogues serving over 4,000 Jews, and providing for their religious needs. Only a short 80 years ago, Jews began to immigrate to Colombia from Europe and the Middle East. From a gradual loss of interest in Judaism, the pendulum is now moving in the opposite direction.
Included today among the religious functions provided for the community—in particular in Bogota, the capital of Colombia—are: religious services on a daily basis; a large variety of Torah classes and lectures; mikvehs; and a burial society. And because kashrut observance has grown tremendously within the past few years, there now exists a large kashrut division, which is very highly developed, with special efforts made to keep prices as low as possible as many kosher products are exported to the USA, Israel and other countries.
Among the outstanding projects which the community initiated and which could be imitated by other Jewish congregations is Tradition, a weekly bet midrash (study hall) for religious students with a serious background in Judaism (credit must be given to the international Ner LaEleph organization which provides stipends for university students attending the bet midrash). At present, there are about 95 students registered in Tradition, about 80 of whom are members of the Sephardic Congregation in Bogota; the remaining 15 or so are from Cali, Colombia.

Teshuat Yisrael (Hope of Israel) and Teshuat Colombia (Hope of Colombia) are two charitable organizations which provide for the needs of indigent families in Israel and Colombia, respectively. A grand total of $100,000 in a variety of services and provisions for the beneficiaries is distributed annually.
Hamelekh Shelomo (King Solomon)—is a society which publishes supplementary books for a deeper understanding of Judaism amongst the Jews in Colombia.
Sharashim (Roots)—an institution which provides lessons in Hebrew and Judaism for adults, youth, men, women, boys and girls, presenting the barest minimum of Jewish contact for those involved. The purpose is to reach as large a group as possible and draw them closer to Judaism, without any pressure.
Kesher (Link)—a branch of an international organization which fights assimilation and mixed marriages by providing opportunities for young Jews to contact each other with matrimony as their goal. Colombia is one of 16 countries involved around the world.
Summer Camp—combining a Jewish schedule with the accepted daily camping experience.
A New Project—which recently began after the High Holy Days—is the opening of a bet midrash for members of the Jewish community, in which two couples will be the guiding lights and lead in the formation of a Kolel, which hopefully will have a tremendous influence upon all of the families in Bogota.
All of these programs are conducted in a highly sociable and inspiring atmosphere for those involved, full of joy and friendship.
If you are interested in visiting Bogota, Colombia or would like to learn more about the SSC, please contact Rabbi Shlomo Elharar at 57-1-2562629 or email him at sefaradi@cable.net.co.
For your convenience, our US number direct to Bogota is (305) 402-1429.