Home Community News The David Mizrahi A”H Golf Classic

The David Mizrahi A”H Golf Classic


Steve Bolton, Yaron and Jonathan Shayo

What a tournament it was! Threatened by rain throughout the day, the tournament went on and the rains held up until the 16th hole.

The golf classic drew almost double the participants of last year and raised close to $70,000 on behalf of the David Mizrahi Scholarship fund.

Isaac Betesh who assisted on the oversold tournament said “I felt terrible that we had to turn people away. We were overwhelmed by the response. Wherever I turned, be it shul, on the course, or in a restaurant, I was approached by players who wanted to get in.”


The Jemal, Benun and Tobias families enjoy the golf dinner

When all was said and done 65 of the top players from our community had an opportunity to compete and enjoy the day at the Diplomat Country Club in Florida.

The idea of a golf tournament during intercession first came up two years ago and this year was the 2nd annual tournament for charity.

A.J. Gindi who directed the event said “next year we will have no choice but to take over the entire course for the day, in order to accommodate everyone. Who would have ever expected that we would get such a tremendous turnout especially with the weather forecast!”


Morris Missry and Jack Hafif

This year’s winners from the men’s division included Rich Matricaria (75) and David Braka (79) for best low gross, Raymond Gindi (69) and Mitchell Gemal (a repeat winner 72) best low net, and Yossi Razon (74) for best callaway. Danny Massry received the award for the best men’s dressed golfer sporting matching sunglasses and socks.

In the ladies’ division, the winners were Flo Mahana (102) and Renee Sutton(103) for best low gross and Muriel Hidary (80) and Gita Seruya (81) for best callaway.

To finish off the event, a dinner award ceremony took place at Sarah’s Tent Mediterranean restaurant. It was a day to be remembered by all who participated.

Reservations are being taken now to hold positions for next year’s tournament.