Home Education The Dangers Of Social Media (Child Predator Social Experiment)

The Dangers Of Social Media (Child Predator Social Experiment)

In the United State there are over 750,000 registered child predators.
And Social media is an ever growing platform that we use to connect with friends, and family members.

But while most of us as adults are pretty safe,
for children and young adults – the dangers are there, and they are very, very real.
Aren’t they?

To prove just how alarming this situation is,
YouTube filmmaker Coby Persin creates a social experiment with the permission of the teenage girl’s parents,
creates a fake facebook profile and arranges a meeting to get them into a van.

Sounds harsh,
but we think this is an important investigation and it’ll definitely open your eyes… .

Be sure to watch until the end,
and use what we’ve learned in this video to better educate your friends and family.

What was found in this video is shocking and everyone should see.
Please SHARE this video with everyone you know, it could save an innocent life.