Home Education The Be’er Miryam Torah Program for Children

The Be’er Miryam Torah Program for Children

Like bees flying for honey, countless children rush to centers of fun like Toys-R-Us and Kids-N-Action every Sunday. They love these carefree environments filled with surprise and glee.

Now, thanks to Dr. Isaac and Lily Madeb, children have another place to run for a sweet and enjoyable experience. The Madeb family has generously sponsored the incredible Be’er Miryam Children’s Program. To date, over 100 children come rushing to shul every Sunday afternoon because of the program.

The new Be’er Miryam program invites children from all around the Sephardic community in Brooklyn to come transform Sunday into  “Funday,” where learning Torah and growing in Avodat Hashem is contagious and fun.

The setting at Congregation Beth El is inviting and centrally located at Avenue U and East 3rd. The décor makes everyone feel right at home. The ambiance is perfect. The children come in to receive a complimentary prize and treat just for listening to the Torah shows. It’s always gratifying to see a traffic jam on Sundays when parents bring their children to and from this rewarding and life-enriching program.

The main incentive for the kids to come is the renowned Rabbi Maimon Elbaz, who for 20 years has been developing stunning slide shows and game shows that have been enjoyed in over 40 cities worldwide. His Torah shows engage all ages and stages of the Jewish community.

Rabbi Elbaz is author of the bestseller, Torahific, and his fans can’t get enough of his fun stories, questions and riddles. Every week is another surprise and presentation that parent and child alike gain much from. His style of charming the children with his unique warmth and genuine affection is truly a pleasure to behold.

Three thousand years ago, in the days when Am Yisroel journeyed through the desert en-route to Israel, the Torah tells us it was the Be’er Miryam which was there to provide the Jewish nation pure refreshing, life-sustaining waters. So now, on Sundays, when education is often lax, children have this golden opportunity to come hear exciting lessons about Torah and mitzvot that are presented delightfully and enthusiastically.

It is truly a mitzvah when parents make it their weekly routine to sit with their sons and daughters enjoying Rabbi Maimon’s spellbinding stories and intriguing riddles. This family time is precious, and all the kids love the interactive ways they can win great prizes when they participate in the question-answer period.

Many kids find magicians, clowns and jugglers amusing, but the Be’er Miryam Kids Program demonstrates that you can have even a more entertaining and satisfying time listening to a rabbi, especially one with decades of experience enthralling kids with his imagination and antics. As King David wrote, “the commandments of G-d rejoice the heart.”

Thanks go out to the committee of Congregation Beth El for lending their facility every Sunday. G-d willing, Be’er Miryam plans to produce a DVD series and website where families worldwide can gain from these stimulating and inspiring slide presentations.

Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Madeb developed this weekly series to give the youth a love for Torah-true Judaism. They changed Sunday, which is often a day of much boredom, into a day of great wonder and amusement. It is truly wonderful to know such a program is available for all to attend—at no charge—right here in the heart of the community. And because at Be’er Miriyam kids feel loved, the kids love Be’er Miriyam.