Home Health and Medical Teach Your Kids to Turn Down Drugs

Teach Your Kids to Turn Down Drugs

just-say-no-1There’s no way you can stop your children from finding out that illegal drugs, alcohol and tobacco existbut you can help your child reject offers to try them.

There’s one thing you need to know: kids don’t usually get drugs from strangers; they get them from their friends. That’s what makes prevention so difficultteaching your kids that it’s okay to say no to the people they look to for validation, recognition and fun.

Peer pressure is very powerful. When your child sees other teens, who she wants to be friends with, enjoying a drink or doing drugs, she may want to join in, or she may worry that the other teens will think she’s not cool if she doesn’t.

It’s important to strongly encourage your child to avoid friendships with kids who use drugs.

Tell your kids about your experiences and how you turned down dangerous invitations when you were younger.

Educate your children as to why drugs are bad. Don’t assume that they know. Explain what addiction is and how anyone can fall into its trap. Tell stories about people whose lives were greatly damaged by drug use.

Reassure your child that even though his friends may protest his abstention, they will truly respect his decision not to get involved. Remind him that people are pretty focused on themselves, which leaves much less brain space for them to be concerned with what others are or aren’t doing. Help your child develop firm but friendly responses.

There are cool ways to say no to drugs, here are a few of them:

“Nah, I hate how it makes me feel.”

“No. I gotta go soon.”

“My friend got involved in that stuff and he got so messed up. It’s not for me.”

“Are you kidding? My parents would kill me! They’d take away everything!”

“No. I have a paper to write for school. I need to be able to focus.”

“Nah, that stuff messes me up for a week afterwards.”

“No, thanks.”

“Nope; I’m good, thanks.”

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