Home Health and Medical Are We Sweeping Sexual Abuse Under the Carpet?

Are We Sweeping Sexual Abuse Under the Carpet?

Did you know…
• 1 out of 4 females and 1 out of 6 males will be abused by the age of 18.

• 6 out of 10 victims will be abused by someone they know and trust from school, shul, lessons…

• 3 out of 10 victims will be abused by a family member.

• Only 1 in 10 will be abused by a stranger.

• Most victims will not tell anyone because of shame, fear and/or threats.

• Sexual abuse can happen at any age.

These facts are shocking to the typical community member because most believe sexual abuse doesn’t even occur here, but the fact is that it does.

Mental Health Resource of SBH started receiving a growing number of calls from victims of molestation. In order to offer the best possible guidance and understanding, MHR put together a dedicated team who are trained in how to deal with the specific issues facing survivors of sexual abuse. One of the most important principles they learned was that these victims will suffer from the trauma in different areas of their lives unless they seek help.

We can help you take the first step toward healing. It’s never too late.

To that end, MHR has launched “Courage To Heal,” an anonymous, confidential helpline. Victims of sexual abuse can call to finally tell their story, to seek comfort, understanding and emotional support and/or to request a referral for a therapist. We have compiled a comprehensive list of resources, including the most recognized professionals for counseling, in order to provide the best care for survivors and their extended family members who may be suffering as well.

The helpline is also open to any callers who may have questions about this sensitive subject.

If you have been abused in the past or are currently being abused, please don’t suffer in silence. We can help you take the first step toward healing. It’s never too late. Call Courage To Heal and reach out to us at (718) 787-0009. Monday through Thursday 10 am to 2 pm. All calls are kept strictly confidential.

How Can We Protect Our Children

Why are children the targets of these pedophiles? By nature, children are vulnerable because they are trusting of adults—especially adults whom they were taught to respect and honor, like family members, teachers and counselors. The pedophile will use power and control over the mind and body of the child to convince them that what’s going on is their little secret and the child will not tell. They may have also been threatened that harm will come to them or their family. The child is then victimized repeatedly.

While these issues may seem overwhelming and scary to parents, knowledge and awareness can be empowering and specific tools for keeping our kids safe can be learned.

Talking Matters is a one hour prevention workshop that will teach you how to avoid specific dangers, identify signs of sexual abuse and how to best communicate with your children about this sensitive topic. When parents teach their children self-protective behaviors they can dramatically decrease their chances of being molested.

As always, our best protection is our relationship with our children. The only way we can stop an abusive situation is to make sure our children feel secure and safe to confide in us. We owe it to our children to do our part to keep them safe.

Some community women who have hosted Talking Matters Workshops in their homes have told us:

“Talking Matters gave me the tools to safeguard my children. This should be required for every Mother.”
– Terri Mizrahi

“I still can’t breathe from what I learned. I’m so happy I hosted it.”
– Ruthie Shalam

“Wow! Very eye-opening and informative.”
– Fortune Matalon

If you’re interested in forming a group of 10 to 15 women in your home for a Talking Matters workshop, call MHR at (718) 787-1100 ext. 355 to set up a convenient time.