PROPEL remains steadfast in its mission to support women in the community as they enter the workforce. Our clients are pursuing exciting careers and expanding their knowledge to be the best they can be in their respective professions.
PROPEL recently organized two enrichment courses, computer literacy classes and Hebrew immersion for women pursuing careers in the field of Judaic Studies. Each of these classes is taught by dynamic women in our community—Cookie Setton and Miriam Harary.
Computer Literacy Courses
Cookie vividly recalls her early years as a working woman. Originally, she had her own business designing and producing applique clothing; when styles changed and the business no longer made sense, Cookie needed to reinvent herself, so she took a position as an administrative assistant in a wholesale business. At that time, she had no significant computer skills. She quickly realized that they needed sharpening and relied on library books to improve. Slowly but surely she learned more and more until she acquired a level of proficiency. Today, Cookie is a Google Certified Educator, experienced in the use of Microsoft Office.
Her journey as a computer specialist makes Cookie unusually well suited to teach others in both individual and group settings. She teaches computer courses at several institutions, including the Sephardic Bikur Holim. Most recently, she joined the PROPEL team and uses her expertise to move women forward. Her classes include, but are not limited to, basic computer skills, Microsoft Office and QuickBooks. Cookie attempts to remove the fear associated with achieving computer competence, and works with each student at a pace that takes her learning curve into account.
Cookie explained that, “Technology in the workplace is constantly changing and my lessons must evolve to stay current and make women valuable members of the workforce.”
Improving computer skills is essential today. PROPEL’s clients are benefiting from Cookie’s knowledge, and salaries are rising as computer mastery is increasing.
Hebrew Immersion Courses
Always in search of a career that makes sense for community women, PROPEL collaborated with the Allegra Franco School of Educational Leadership (AFSEL), and organized a Hebrew immersion class in Deal this summer. Miriam Harary, head of the Hebrew Department at Hillel Yeshiva for 30 years, was engaged as the teacher for this summer course. She was the perfect fit for this course. Over a two-week period, Miriam aimed to perfect the quality of Hebrew language spoken by her students.
Miriam used several techniques to encourage her students and improve their language skills. The class read articles, participated in discussions, analyzed songs, and communicated after class with a WhatsApp Group in Hebrew. Women of all levels in Hebrew language signed up for the class and the feedback was incredibly positive. By offering this class, PROPEL and AFSEL are hopeful that more women will consider pursuing a career teaching Judaic subjects in community schools.
PROPEL is proud to support women in the community and will continue to provide enrichment courses based on their needs.
If you are interested in a career, please reach out to PROPEL and we can help you fulfill your professional goal, call 646-494-0822 or email info@thepropelnetwork.org.