Home Community News Summer Fun at Magen David of Union Square

Summer Fun at Magen David of Union Square

Engaging Lectures and Fabulous Food

Summertimes and great food! Magen David of Union Square is taking care of both with a weekly Monday night barbecue and lecture program that jump started summer in the city and continues to be a brilliant success.

Each Monday night, approximately 60 people gather at MDUS for Minha and Arbit followed by an amazing lecture given by their summer scholar in residence, Rabbi Avi Harari. Some of the topics have ranged from Maimonedian approaches to life, finding ones soul mate and what it means to follow G-ds will. The barbecue and learning program at MDUS is a chance to form and sustain friendships through learning Torah and enjoying good food in a warm atmosphere, said Rabbi Harari.

Indeed, the atmosphere has MDUS special reputation for inclusiveness and warmth. Everyone feels at home, especially the many young men and women who have to stay in the city on a weeknight, because they cant journey back and forth to their summer homes on the Jersey Shore.

When my wife, Jennifer and I sponsored the first evening, I thought it would be a small, nice, quiet event. I was blown away by the level of interest and heavy participation, especially among young women and men looking for an opportunity to socialize, as well as to learn. I realized that we had many new guests who had heard about this great, growing downtown community synagogue but had never found a chance to check it out on Shabbat. A summer Monday night event gives them the perfect opportunity to see what all the fuss is aboutand it truly lives up to the hype!

Sam Sabin, who sponsored two of the events, said, this is the most special and unique shul in our community and I cant wait to see what they come up with next! Jack Gindi, a frequent attendee, added, Each week, 120 ears are rapt in attention as Rabbi Harari shares his deep, intuitive understanding of the laws and of the guidance the Sages imparted to us. The barbecue is great, especially the baby chicken kabobs.

Erica Rolo, the program director at MDUS has been instrumental in lining up everythingincluding learning materials, handouts and preparation for the cook-a-thon!

Everyone knows that summertime is all about the barbecues. We felt that nothing could be better than attending a class where you feel inspired and fully satisfied at the end of the night, Erica said.

Talented chef, Vic Abadi, volunteered his help and special grilling techniques to spice things up. Even Leon Ben-Rimon, a recent sponsor, couldnt wait to roll up his sleeves for a hands-on opportunity to flip some burgers!

Dr. David Sitt, Chairman of the Board at Magen David of Union Square said, Monday nights in the summer provide a great opportunity for our attendees to socialize in a Torah-infused atmosphere. Friendships are developing as quickly as burgers sizzle on the grill. Rabbi Hararis lectures are engaging and thought provoking. MDUS has expanded its programming to meet the needs of its growing community.

As Magen David prepares to move into its new building on Sullivan Street this fall, even more amazing programming and events are being planned and hopefully even more people will come to experience Magen David in Manhattan.