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Special Miracles for Special Children

The special sound of a newborns cry is unmatchable. Take a moment and think of it. It is miraculous and joyous and scary and beautiful, all at once. There is absolutely nothing like the freshness and innocence of a brand new life, eager for love. If by chance that child turns out to have special needs, something very unusual happens. That simple and sweet initial innocence just seems to linger. That need for love, that eagerness, that glory of possibility seems to grow and grow with special children.

In 1996 a couple of young girls, Jenine Shwekey and Chaya Bender, noticed how difficult it was for a mother to take care of her special needs child, and wanted to help. From the moment they became involved in this life, they knew that their help would become indispensableto the child, the mother, and to themselves. They were hooked.

Quickly the one child grew to six, ten, twenty and more. A simple rented apartment with second hand furniture housed sunny paintings and the laughter of these happy children. The parents would breathe easier knowing they had a helping hand after school and on weekends, and the children grew brighter with the added attention and love.

When people like Richie and Gloria Dweck, Alice and Harry Adjmi and Jennifer and Elliot Tawil heard about Jenine and Chayas incredible efforts, they screamed loud enough for the entire community to hear, and the Special Childrens Center was born. Today that center has grown tenfold, and plays host to over 250 families of special needs children.

Maybe its a huge smile, or a hug. Maybe its a drawing or a silly song they sing. Whatever it is about these kids, once you get to know them its impossible to get them out of your mind. With the innocence of newborns they learn and grow, and with that, they help us to grow too.

Paulina Terzi, who is 19 years old, started volunteering at the center three summers ago. She found out first hand how these children help you grow. I can honestly say that I am changed because of it. I was so intimidated that first day; I had no idea what I was getting into, but I understood quickly that volunteering here meant I was entering into a whole new family. That summer, I was paired with several children to work with each day. They called it workfor me it was more like spending the day with friends. I was supposed to teach and guide the children, but as it turned out, it was they who taught me.

One day, Paulina worked with a boy who barely spoke, didnt want to participate, wasnt interacting with anyone and wasnt showing any signs that he was enjoying himself. As we put the kids on the bus after a long day, the boy turned around. I was waving goodbye to him and all of a sudden he ran back to me. He didnt say anything; he just wrapped his arms around me. He stayed there, squeezing me. He eventually let go and got on the bus, but that hug stayed with me forever. I got into my car and broke down. From that day, I knew I needed to work in special ed. That boy, with that one hug, made everything clear for me.

On Sunday, July 1st Nellie and David Haddad graciously opened their home and their hearts for a breakfast celebrating the new East Wing at The Special Childrens Center. Honoring Joe and Trina Cayre and their children for their unparalleled commitment since the early days of this amazing home-away-from-home for special needs children, the morning went off without a hitch. With the breeze flowing and the sun shining, the tent overflowed with well-wishers and the sincerity of all present was palpable. They listened intently to Paulinas story.

Jenine Shwekey explained the basics to me, One out of 733 children are born with Down syndrome. One out of 300 are born with cerebral palsy and one in 150 children are autistic. About 130,000 children are born every year in America with special needs, and every year that number grows. These children need assistance on a daily basis with everything from getting out of bed to brushing their teeth, to bathroom services. Many are wheelchair bound; some need constant medical care, while others just need some extra love and attention.

It is a tremendous challenge to raise a special child at home and still be able to give the rest of your family what they need. No matter how much help you get, it is not easy. We want the world to know that we are herewhenever you need us, however you need us. With the tremendous support of so many people we will continue to build up our space and our services so that every special child can leave here smiling, said Jenine.

The center has grown unimaginably over the last 15 years. They offer programs all year long including after school programs, Sunday programs, 48 hour Shabbat programs, overnight respite, the Max Harari AH, Disneyworld trip, Center house, summer camp, advocacy and case management, art, dance and music therapy, among so many other things. They now have a huge Cayre family indoor jungle gym and a spectacular Nakash family aquatic pool, thanks to the generosity of this amazing community. The centers goal is to give these kids a sense of normalcy, a sense of belonging. Why shouldnt they get to enjoy all the things their brothers and sisters do? As far as Jenine and Chaya are concerned, this is non-negotiable. This year the girls in the center put on a fashion show, which they called Miss Amazing. It was an incredible event hosted by Betty and Joey Sitt. The children were so excited about the show and it helped raise their confidence enormously. The ideas do not stop coming.

Elliot Tawil said Over the years since Ive gotten involved, it has been unbelievable to see the growththis is truly a new and very different center. We believe, and have proven time and again, that with love, any child can reach or exceed their fullest potential. Our 300 plus volunteers agree that with this love we can hope and have faith that miracles do happen and anything is possible. With the increasing amount of new children brought to the center every month we are challenged to meet the demand, especially because we never say no to any child.

The morning at the Haddad home continued with wise words from Rabbi Mansour, grateful tales from the mothers of two special children, and a powerfully moving video attesting to the incredible difference the center makes in so many lives…Then a powerfully moving video attesting to the incredible difference the center makes in so many lives was shown. Sadly, it is clear that if not for the center, many of these children would not be living at home. Their stories are sometimes too much to bear. Finally, there was a ribbon cutting for the new East Wing, and thank yous were given all around.

Jenine continued, I am blessed. I could never have imagined the dream team of people who stop everything in their lives to help us do what we do. Harry Adjmi keeps Walmart waiting when hes in a meeting with usisnt that amazing? When our bus was totaled, Drs. Gayle and Brian Krost purchased a new one for us! The pressure is enormous to pay the bills, keep up the staff and maintain the state-of-the-art facilities the children require. Without the energy and passion of our founders and the benevolence of the entire community and the hundreds of generous people who follow their example, there would be nothing. I could go on forever. G-d is truly watching over the center, and every one of these children.

The Miss Amazing fashion show, organized by young Paulina Terzi, went off with sunshine and smiles and a deep sense of satisfaction for all involved. The confidence and courage displayed by each child was absolutely incredible. One center mother said, When I think of my precious, beautiful Emily, all I can think about is that if you were to look in the dictionary under the words gift, magic, or blessing, her name and face would be there. Words and feelings dont do justice to what you feel when youre around her. She lights up any room she walks into and anyone that knows her will tell you the same. Magic happened at the beautiful Miss Amazing fashion and talent show. Everyone who attended saw how special and beautiful our children are, and these wonderful supporters are heroes in my book. The Special Childrens Center does all it can, all the time to uplift our daughter and make all of us feel special, loved and so taken care of. We are proud to be chosen by Hashem to take care of, love, and protect Emily, but in my opinion the champions are the volunteers who also care for, love, and support the children and have for all these years.

Paulina looks back on the day with a tremendous sense of satisfaction. Nothing I could have ever imagined could have prepared me for the way I would feel watching the happiness of these amazing children as they performed on stage, and the moms watching with pride. There are no words. Two weeks later in camp the kids are still excited and talking about it. It was truly the best day of my lifeand I hope theirs, too.

Jenine continued to rave, The day was dedicated to the mothers, the real heroes, and they could not have been happier. Honestly, we imagined a couple of hundred people would come, just family and friends. Luckily Norma Cohen made an executive decision to get 500 chairs. Of course, she was right. There was standing room onlyif thatand not a dry eye in the house. The unity of the community was evident; every store, hairdresser and make-up artist helped us prepare. Every photographer wanted to be a part of this amazing experience. Volunteers worked for weeks with the kids picking out their dream outfits and practicing their talents. When they finally got up on stage, every one of them performed like a rock star. They invested great time and effort, and on that day, I promise, it felt like a glimpse into the world to come, where each of these beautiful children are perfect and they get the love, honor and attention they merit.

An old proverb says, If you think you are too small to make a difference, youve never slept in a room with a mosquito. Every dollar and every hour donated to the smiles of these special children is tremendously appreciated. At the center these wonderful children are given a chance. They are given love and affection and it is only possible because of heroes like you. Think of that newborn babys cry. Think of it as a call to arms. These wonderfully innocent and beautiful children need our help, and thank G-d they are getting it at the Special Childrens Center. Help us make miracles. To volunteer, visit or to make a donation please contact chaya@thecenternj.org or (732) 367-0099.

The Special Childrens Center would like to thank Alice and Harry Adjmi, Richie and Gloria Dweck, Jennifer and Elliot Tawil and Drs. Gayle and Brian Krost for their endless efforts, time and energy on behalf of the children. Shirley and Michael Cayre, Yvette and Alie Cohen, Deborah and Ike Ash, David Franco, Adele and Jodi Laboz… always in the wings making this machine run at its fullest potential. Special thanks to Norma Cohen, Avenue J Florist, Morris Antebi, and to all of you who generously pledged and made the center a reality. For the fashion show, thank you to Yvette Cohen and Rachelle Cohen who put together our gorgeous Chinese Auction, Heidi Russo for trophies and working so hard, Joyce Haddad for setting up the auction, Natalie Terzi, Pamela Sakkal and Gloria Tobias, Carol Chera and Esther Terzi, Rachel Setton, and all those who volunteered their expertise: Hadass Stelis, Lillian Beyda and Raizy Zafrani. Makeup: Celia Sutton, Sasha Dushey, Leslie Salem and Iris from Hadass. Of course, thanks again to Norma Cohen and Alice Adjmi, the emcees of our show. G-d bless you all.
Sophia Franco is a writer and community member. Thank you to photographers Morris Antebi and Susan Menashe.