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SBH’s Big Move

ImageAs we counted down to the year 2000, Sephardic Bikur Holim had a countdown of its own—toward moving into its new building. Late SBH president Joseph Beyda A"H asked the board members at a meeting in 1993 to think about SBH and the year 2000. He had them think of goals, of visions, and of the imminent future; something no other organization was doing at the time. The idea of a new building was mentioned then, for the first time. In June, 2000, that dream became a reality.

Since 1993, our community has grown by leaps and bounds and SBH has grown tremendously along with it. Their programs, support groups, staff, volunteers and youth have flourished as more and more people are being helped, served and nourished by this wonderful organization.

With the completion of its new building, SBH became poised to both better serve the current needs of the community as well as accomplish many of the dreams and ideas they have for the future. Whether it be an extensive library related to each program and support group, or more social workers, psychologists and therapists, the new building made it possible to further improve the quality of life in our community. SBH has the most dedicated and hard working volunteers in the community.