Home Health and Medical Samson Medical Pavillion

Samson Medical Pavillion


Sarah Herzog Hospital, established in 1894 is Israel’s foremost center for geriatric, respiratory, mental health and psychotrauma care, treatment and research. With the construction of the new Editha and Dr. Heinz E. Samson Medical Pavilion that will add 240 much needed beds, bringing the total number of beds to over 550, Herzog Hospital will become the second largest hospital in Jerusalem.

Today the Hospital specializes in the full range of problems associated with aging: acute medical problems; physical rehabilitation; Psychogeriatrics; with special emphasis on the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease; senile dementia; Chronic Respiratory Care; Complex Medical and Nursing Care, Dialysis and Osteoporosis. A special new Children’s Chronic Respiratory Care Department provides respiratory care for children ranging in age from six months to 18 years. The Department of Research has earned an outstanding international recognition in for its work in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases, schizophrenia, and other brain disorders and diseases. Thirty percent of those treated by Herzog Hospital are Holocaust survivors.

The new Medical Pavilion will consist of six floors of clinical departments and two basement floors, including a sheltered underground emergency hospital. The new Pavilion will incorporate the latest in hospital design, and be a totally ‘green’ environmentally friendly facility.

The Pavilion will house a number of departments, including a Department of Psychogeriatrics to treat people with dementias, such as Alzheimer’s Disease; a greatly expanded Children’s Chronic Respiratory Care Department and significant additions to the Adult Respiratory Departments. Other departments will include Internal Medicine, Acute Geriatric Care, Complex Nursing Care and Dialysis.

The Sheltered Underground Hospital will be built to withstand the impact of missiles and provide protection from chemical and biological attack. This is a direct result of the Second Lebanon War and Gaza conflict, when hospitals in Israel were specifically targeted by Israel’s enemies. In addition, an expanded Radiology Suite and a new synagogue will be built into the side of the mountain on one of the hospitalization floors. This will enable them to continue operations during a missile attack and will also double as shelters.

The new Samson Pavilion will incorporate some of the most advanced “green” technology available, with the aim of reducing to a bare minimum the building’s possible negative environmental impact. Designed as a pathfinder in the construction of green hospitals around the world, the new facility has been planned in accordance with the latest Israel Standards Institute (ISI) standard for “green” medical buildings.

Relying on recycled water, energy conservation and solar power, it is expected that the Hospital’s “carbon footprint” will be close to zero. The Hospital, built away from environmentally sensitive places and built on infill, has been designed to protect and enhance two adjacent archeological sites. In addition, other innovations such as the planned use of robotics, pneumatic transportation systems, and other labor reducing technologies will hopefully reduce the energy required to actually run the hospital.

Completion of the mainframe is expected by May 2013, with patient occupancy starting January 2014. The Children’s Chronic Respiratory Care Floor will be the first to be occupied.

There are many dedication opportunities available for a variety of needs.

For further information, and to make a tax deductible donation contact:

American Friends of Herzog Hospital

136 E. 57th Street, Suite 803

NY, NY 10022

(212) 683-3702

Visit afherzoghospital.org or email: info@herzoghospital.org

for more information