Home Relationships Safety Message About Teenage Drinking

Safety Message About Teenage Drinking

As the summer approaches, many teenagers in our community will attend social events that will serve alcohol. What can be done to eliminate the availability of alcohol at these parties? Cant teens socialize without alcohol? What are the repercussions for parents serving alcohol to underage teens?

It is illegal to drink under the age of 21. The Zero Tolerance laws prohibit driving after drinking any amount of alcohol. The teens license might be revoked and she/he will face possible legal consequences.

Drinking can make you sick or pass out. Alcohol irritates the lining of the digestive system. Heavy drinking can damage the liver, kidneys, brain and heart, all with serious long-term consequences. It can even lead to an early death either from alcohol poisoning or car crashes. It can also make you feel sick and choke on your own vomit.

The Deal police made it clear that there are serious repercussions for parents who serve alcohol to minors.

Anyone that provides alcohol to minors can be issued a criminal summons or ordinance violation which can result in a fine, imprisonment and/or community service. The civil liability could result in the imposition of civil penalties.

Parents having a party this summer should ask everyone to prove their age before serving them a drink. One problem is that guests often try to obtain drinks for underage people, therefore extra security near the bar is needed.

Every party should have designated drivers to help assist participants that have consumed too much alcohol. Call Denise Setton at (732) 229-1616 for information on SAFE driving.

Have plenty of water for those who are drinking. Water helps flush out alcohol. Stop serving alcohol at a designated hour, and possibly set a reasonable time when the party must end. Of course, the best solution is to host a party without alcohol.

Parents should encourage Sunday night barbecues where alcohol is not served. Scavenger hunts, tournaments, karaoke, game shows can be a fun, safe way for teens to meet.

Fundraisers and other events with a purpose, where teens can help organizations in our community, where alcohol is not served, are other great ways for teens to socialize. There are many organizations that plan fun summer events.

Participating in or watching sporting events where food is plentiful but there is no alcohol will teach teens that they can have fun without drinking. If a trend starts, others will follow suit.

If you or someone you know needs help, please call SAFEs confidential, toll-free hotline, 24/7 at 1-866-569-SAFE (1-866-569-7233). If you have a question, email: ask@thesafefoundation.org.

Learn more about The Safe Foundation; get helpful tips, information and resources at www.TheSafeFoundation.org.
Randi Shomer is a mother of four children, a community member, and a freelance writer.