Home Community News SAFE’s 9th Annual Dinner

SAFE’s 9th Annual Dinner

Joe Cayre, Stanley Chera, Yair Seroussi, Zurie Hamway, Harry Franco and Bunny EscavaThe 9th Annual SAFE Foundation Dinner will be marked in history for the nearly 400 people who gathered at the home of Cookie and Stanley Chera to participate. This event ironically fell four days after the death of Betty Ford, an iconic woman who fought to change the stigma associated with addiction. SAFE, in its 9th year of operation, is fighting to do the same.

SAFE is a multifaceted organization that concentrates on prevention, intervention, and recovery from addiction. Whether the concern is drugs, alcohol, gambling, or any combination of the three, experts at SAFE work diligently to treat whatever comes their way. The organization runs a New York State licensed outpatient drug program, which is one of the top addiction programs in the state, as well as a school prevention program. With a dedicated staff and supportive community, the SAFE foundation has been able to run a successful office in Brooklyn since 2003, and a second location in Deal since the spring of 2010.

SAFE has over 1,000 people accessing their services each month looking for help. In their Project SAFE school program, they teach prevention skills to 2,500 students each week from grades 5-12 in certain schools, and grades 7-12 in others, for the entire school year. SAFE has pioneered drug testing within the community schools and continues to bring in special speakers to talk to the students regarding the dangers of addiction. SAFE conducts random drug tests throughout the year in some of our community schools. These initiatives have helped program members further understand the prevalence of substance abuse within the young community. This year, Tim Donaghy, a former NBA referee who lost everything to compulsive gambling, shared his story with the students. Hearing firsthand accounts of how addiction can ruin one’s life enlightens students about the severity of the issue.

SAFE holds a fundraising event each year in order to keep the community aware of the strides they have made. The event is a time to gather friends and family under one roof for a cause that is dear to everyone’s heart. Whether each individual is directly or indirectly affected by the harms of addiction takes no bearing on the generosity demonstrated by those in attendance. SAFE is a program the community knows it needs and hopes to expand throughout the country and eventually the world. As noted by the Vice President of SAFE, Eddie Gindi, the office regularly receives calls from Mexico, Panama, Israel, as well as other cities throughout the United States, all in need of their help. This fundraiser gives SAFE the means to reach out to various groups of people, beyond the local community, seeking help from the evil that is addiction.

This year, SAFE experienced one of its most successful fundraising events yet, raising 10%-15% more than last year, despite the still down economy. Steven Bissu, the honorary speaker of the night, believes this overwhelming response was due largely in part to the inspiration guests felt after hearing first hand what SAFE can accomplish. Even those who were unable to attend the dinner flooded the phone lines with pledges. “These donations are very much appreciated, as the number of people SAFE is working to help continues to grow exponentially,” acknowledged Bissu.

SAFE is a very private organization that uses the promise of anonymity to gain the trust of its members. The organization is extremely attractive to the community because of its ease of entry. “SAFE does not hand you a clipboard filled with pages inquiring about your personal life,” said Bissu. “You are welcomed with open arms, no questions asked.” The event was only a small example of what SAFE accomplishes every day.

If you or someone you know needs help, please call our confidential toll free hotline, 24/7 at (866) 569-SAFE (1-866-569-7233) and visit their website: www.TheSafeFoundation.org.
Lindsay Marin graduated from the University of Florida with a BS in Marketing. She has been working at the Now And Zen Group PR in Manhattan for almost a year.