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Ride to Remember 2009

ImageCome show your support, as 250 Jewish motorcyclists from around the country visit Savannah, Georgia to join the Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance’s (JMA) Fifth Annual Ride to Remember from May 14th through May 16th.

The Ride to Remember is a fundraising project with proceeds always going to Holocaust remembrance causes and other Jewish organizations. This year the proceeds will be donated to projects in Savannah and Charleston. The ride is expected to raise thousands of dollars for the planned Holocaust Educator’s Lending Library. Past Rides to Remember have benefited the Paper Clips project in Whitwell, Tennessee, Magen David Adom and the National Holocaust Endowment Fund.

The Holocaust was the most systematic and extensive government engineered genocide in history. The Nazis murdered approximately 6 million Jews and millions of others, including more than one million children. This horrific catastrophe compels us to study the Holocaust, so that we can prevent future tragedies. As Elie Weisel stated, “for the dead and the living we must bear witness.” Students must learn the history of the Holocaust so that we are not doomed to repeat it.

The Remember Program, offered at the Holocaust Educator’s Lending Library, affords students the opportunity to learn Holocaust history and apply the lessons to society today. Moreover, respect for individuals of all ethnicities and tolerance are taught. The Remember Project’s goals are to educate students about the horrors of the Holocaust, promote the concept of mutual respect for all peoples, goodwill and community building amongst all ethnicities in Charleston, and to inspire people to take a stand for what is right.

Motorcyclists are invited to join the Chai Riders Motorcycle Club who will be riding from New York to Savannah, Georgia and then on to Charleston, South Carolina, to participate in the 2009 Ride to Remember. If you aren’t a motorcycle rider come down in your car and ride along with the motorcyclists for support.

Riders will arrive in Savannah on Thursday, May 14th—the DeSoto Hilton Hotel downtown will be their main base of operations. Then the main event will take place on Friday morning, May 15th, at the JEA. The riders will begin assembling between 8 and 8:30 am.

You are welcome to join the Savannah Jewish Federation as they host breakfast, the traditional spread: bagels, shmears, coffee and more. Then take part in their send-off for the motorcycle riders before they “head out on the highway” at 9:30 am for Charleston.

If you would like more information about the motorcycle ride to Savannah, GA, you can visit ride2remember.com or if you would like to join the NY Club, visit chairiders.org.

A Ride to Remember is a beautiful thing and it’s for a great cause, so email bmatsas@aol.com to join the trip, or if you cannot make it and would like to send a contribution to support this event you can make the check out to: Ride to Remember 2009 and mail it to P.O. Box 642, Brooklyn, New York, 11229.