Home Health and Medical Restrictions Are Prescriptions: Spiritual and Physical Health

Restrictions Are Prescriptions: Spiritual and Physical Health

The job of every parent is to constantly shower his/her children with love and support.  Demonstrating true love for our children begins with proper discipline.  As parents, we must instill in our children the necessity of suitable friends, a healthy routine and a proper education. Children might view these things as restrictions, but as they grow older they will realize that the restrictions were a prescription against a toxic future. Education begins with proper Torah lessons. A Torah based life is a prescription for spiritual and physical health.

3,300 years ago, Hashem gave us a book of 613 prescriptions to live a balanced wholesome life. At Sinai, we were given 248 positive commandments and 365 negative commandments. Each commandment can have a physical or spiritual affect on the human body.

In the Torah, Hashem restricts us from eating certain foods. It is written that Hashem raised the nation to be holy because He is holy. Avoiding forbidden foods maintains one’s spiritual and physical health. Obeying the law maintains a balanced lifestyle. Restrictions teach man to think and resist his natural tendency and teach us proper conduct in society.

People often view restrictions as confinement. Restrictions, such as foregoing sugary snacks, cakes and cookies and following a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fiber, are a prescription for a healthy balanced lifestyle.

Unfortunately restrictions can overwhelm some people and some disregard them all together—eating, drinking and smoking to their hearts desire. Unfortunately, these addictions disturb one’s freedom and make these people prisoners to their vices. A person who is a slave to his desires needs to surrender to a higher authority. Surrendering to Hashem with faith and prayer is a solution to confinement. Hashem has the key to one’s personal freedom.

Close to 100 years ago, our grandparents arrived at the shores of America. Their foresight of educational institutions and issuing certain edicts ensured our safety as a community. They placed restrictions as prescriptions of survival.

These restrictions were prescriptions for our physical and spiritual freedom. An educated nation, dedicated to the service of Hashem will gather together from the four corners of the earth to see the redemption of Jerusalem in our time. Amen!

Norman D. Levy is a community member who likes to write articles of inspiration.