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Racism and Education

Studies going back over 50 years have repeatedly arrived at the same conclusionracists have lower IQs than non-racists. The average intelligence quotient (IQ) of all members of the human race is 100 on the Stanford-Binet scale. The average IQ of racists is up to 4 IQ points less than this. The reasons this is true are not entirely clear. Does racism attract the unintelligent or do the unintelligent default into racist mentalities? An exploration of this phenomenon can be most informative.

Since the average IQ of a racist is less than average, racists have two-digit IQs, while non-racists have three-digit IQs. This applies to Nazi skinheads, anti-Semites, Aryan supremacists, non-denominational bigots, and other such racists.

Many studies have explored the psychology of racism and the familial and social backgrounds of racists. Some interesting generalities can be extracted from these studies, including the fact that racists tend to be conservatives, conformists and hypochondriacs.

In addition, studies show that  prejudice is acquired at a young age. The mean age for the onset of prejudice is about 12. This is a most impressionable age and is the appropriate time to educate the young and immunize them against hatred for life. They should be told everything science knows about race and everything history tells us about racism.

The arguments of racism have been demonstrated time and again to be illogical and irrational. For example, some racists claim that white people are superior to black people and skinheads are superior to Jews. Yet, as we look around us in America today we see a country full of diversity in which American blacks and Jews excel in all the arts and sciences, in all aspects of business, in all political arenas, and in other social activities.

From our military commanders, to our religious and political leaders, to our fastest-growing independent businesses, and in all genres of the entertainments fields, including art, music, acting, directing and film-making, we witness a growing disproportionate dominance of blacks and Jews, and this is in spite of centuries of oppression and the continued denial of equal opportunities. Their successes are undeniable, yet the racists of our times are completely blind to this manifest proof.

Other studies show how prejudice tends to be a function of parents college education. Obviously the more educated the parents are, the less likely their children are to become prejudiced. Again we see a correlation of both intelligence and education, and lack thereof, is associated with bigotry.

In Americas war against terrorism, we should not forget about the domestic terrorists that have sprouted in our own backyard. Nazis, skinheads, and other bigots are anti-American by their very nature. If America is a nation of all races, religions, and cultures, then the enemies of any of those races, religions, and cultures are enemies of America.

The attempts on the part of Nazi skinheads and the KKK to intimidate or encourage acts of violence against innocent people because of their race or religion is terrorism by definition. Once al Qaeda has been shut down, it would be prudent to focus Americas attention on cleaning up all the nests of racist extremists that are festering inside our own borders. They are all just terrorists waiting to commit acts against Americans.

Education is the key to erasing racism. The eradication of racism could be accomplished within the space of a single generation, if we simply show children the light of truth, and dispel the darkness of ignorance.