Rabbi Shlomo Braun Welcomes Captain Kenneth M. Quick
Rabbi Shlomo Braun representing Senator Martin J. Goldin officially welcomed Captain Kenneth M. Quick on Thursday, June 25 at the Community Board 12 as the Captain of the 66th precinct, where he took charge three months ago.
At the 66th Precinct it is customary for many years, that the precinct Captain meets with community leaders and residents the third Thursday of each month to discuss in dialogue the improvements and the problems of the local area. At that time there is also an opportunity to hear updates on the latest crimes and find out about different programs available to the community.
After welcoming Captain Quick to his new post, Rabbi Braun discussed publicly the traffic problem in the Boro Park Community. He stated that he does not have a solution available. Captain Quick agreed by commenting “if you have a solution please share it with me.” The district manager, Mr. Spitzer stated that there is presently a study being done to turn 15th and 16th Avenues to a one way street and perhaps this will release some of the major traffic jams from the other Avenues as well.
Rabbi Braun who is a community leader for the past 45 years and had extensive dealings with the local community and Governmental organizations, felt it was a wise choice for the Boro Park and Flatbush Community to receive such a distinguished & most impressive Commanding Officer Kenneth M. Quick, assigned to the 66th Precinct, and extended him, best wishes for much success in his new position.