Home Bible Study & Holidays Purim, Festival of Joy

Purim, Festival of Joy


Rabbi David Laine

Purim, celebrated on the 14th of Adar, is the most action-packed day of the Jewish year. 2,400 years ago, Haman, the Persian prime-minister, persuaded King Ahasuerus to issue a decree ordering the extermination of all the Jews. Mordechai, the leader of the Jews, rallied his people, urging them to unite in prayer and repentance. Meanwhile, his cousin Esther, who due to a miraculous chain of events was Ahasuerus’ queen, lobbied the king to spare her people. Ahasuerus acceded to her request, Haman was sent to the gallows, Mordechai became new prime-minister, the Jews successfully defended themselves against their enemies, andwe celebrate!

Though we dress up in holiday finery, Purim doesn’t feature holiday work restrictions. Nonetheless, all the better if you can take the day off from work and focus on the holiday and its mitzvot.

Head to your synagogue and hear the whole Megillah. The Megillah, aka “The Book of Esther,” is the scroll that tells the Purim story. Listen to the public reading twice: once Purim Night and again on Purim Day. This year, that’s Saturday night February 23rd, and Purim day, February 24th. Pay attentionit is crucial to hear every word.

When Haman’s name is mentioned in the reading, children twirl graggers (noisemakers) and adults stamp their feet to eradicate his evil name. Tell your kids that Purim is the only time when it’s a mitzvah to make noise!

The Megillah is read by a professional from a handwritten parchment scroll, using an age-old tune. (You can read the entire story of Purim on page 60.)

One of Purim’s primary themes is Jewish unity. Haman tried to kill us all, we were all in danger together, so we celebrate together, too. Hence, on Purim day we place special emphasis on caring for the less fortunate.

Give money or food, “matanot la’evyonim,” to at least two needy people during the daylight hours of Purim. In case you can’t find any needy people, your synagogue will probably be collecting money for this purpose. At least, place two coins in a charity box earmarked for the poor.

On Purim we give a donation to whoever asks; we don’t first ask to check the person’s bank statement.

On Purim we emphasize the importance of friendship and community by sending gifts of food, mishloach manot, to friends.

Send a package containing at least two different ready-to-eat food items and/or beverages to at least one Jewish acquaintance during the daylight hours of Purim. Men send to men and women to women.

It is preferable that the gifts are delivered via a third party. Children, in addition to sending their own gifts of food to their friends, make enthusiastic messengers.

Last, but certainly not least, during the course of Purim day, gather your family, maybe invite a guest or two, and celebrate with a festive Purim meal. Traditionally, this meal begins before sundown and lasts well into the evening.

The table should be festively bedecked with a nice tablecloth and candles. Wash for bread or challah, and enjoy a meal featuring meat, wine, and plenty of Jewish songs, words of Torah, and joyous Purim spirit. Sing, laugh and have fun together. Wishing you a Happy Purim!


Rabbi David Laine is the director of Chabad Vocational Schools.