The event began with the traditional graduation march down the aisle to the strains of Pomp and Circumstance. The graduates, adorned in their graduation sashes, along with their coaches, Ellen Ades and Gitta Neufeld, entered the room filled with family and friends. Among the guests were PROPEL’s proud Board Members, President Dr. Gayle Krost, Michael Haddad, Jacqueline Harary, Elaine Parker, and Gitta Kaplan. In addition, many of the mentors from PROPEL’s “Weaving a Network: Women Helping Women,” our signature UJA-supported program, were in the audience applauding the accomplishments of the PROPEL graduates.

PROPEL’s Co-Executive Directors Randi Eisenstein and Alissa Shams, and Director of Operations Viviane Darwish, welcomed the guests, and praised the graduates for all of their successes. They also thanked all those community members who support PROPEL and its mission to inspire, train and educate women to enter the workforce. It was most appropriate that the graduation took place at the onset of Lag La Omer, a time when we resume public celebrations.
Dr. Gayle Krost expressed her heartfelt congratulations to the graduates and shared some exciting updates about the organization. Over the last six years, PROPEL has coached over 800 women, graduated over 200, and currently assists over 50 women in graduate school.
Ellen Ades, PROPEL’s Career Coach, proudly introduced Michelle Saad, who inspired the audience with her personal story and accomplishments in the workforce. Michelle, a wife and mother of four, reached out to PROPEL several years ago to hone her professional skills. With Ellen’s guidance, Michelle began taking computer courses, and worked diligently gaining skills essential in today’s workplace. Michelle succeeded in building a career and is proud to be a role model to her children. The beautiful testimonial that Michelle included from her husband presented her as a heroine who tapped into her inner strengths as she re-entered the workforce, and PROPEL as the organization that helped her entire family move forward.

Gitta Neufeld, PROPEL’s Educational Consultant, shared her wonderful insight about Lag La Omer and proudly introduced Sally Baraka, a PROPEL Ed Touro graduate who is receiving a dual master’s degree in Jewish Education and Special Education. Sally is currently applying the skills she has acquired as a teacher at Yeshiva Prep. During the pandemic, Sally reached out to PROPEL, looking for guidance and crystallization of her strengths and experiences. Gitta helped Sally throughout her educational journey at Touro, and she continues to mentor Sally as she advances in her career.
The keynote speaker and awardee of the evening was none other than Shifra Hanon, a well-known educator at Yeshivah of Flatbush, and namesake of The Shifra Hanon Pathfinders program. In addition to her many heartfelt hesed endeavors, Shifra is very involved in PROPEL’s mentorship program in conjunction with UJA—Weaving a Network.
Evet Ballas, a PROPEL ambassador and entrepreneur extraordinaire (Light Lab Design), spoke effusively about the many fine character traits that Shifra possesses. The audience was touched when Evet relayed the kindness that she experienced firsthand in high school from Ms. Hanon, as a 14-year-old immigrant newly arrived in this country with limited English speaking skills.

Shifra, a woman of great humility, emotionally accepted the beautiful personalized Eshet Hayil plaque, whose words so befit her characteristics. Shifra was Evet’s mentor throughout her career, and they continue to maintain a beautiful and supportive relationship. In describing her beliefs about teaching and mentorship, Shifra quoted the poet Maya Angelou: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Shifra has used her energies and talents to support those around her, and make them feel like they can accomplish anything. She exemplifies mentorship and there is no better PROPEL role model to honor for this accomplishment. Shifra spoke volumes about her love of PROPEL and her continued role as both mentor and advisor to community members.
Most fitting was the establishment of the Shifra Hanon Scholarship Fund, and who better to announce that fund than Caroll Dweck Sutton, Shifra’s protégée and beloved colleague at Yeshivah of Flatbush. The funds collected will benefit PROPEL clients looking to pursue their professional dreams, and the fact that Shifra’s name is attached can only add an extra dimension of support.
The graduation concluded with the presentation of certificates by PROPEL’s Board members, and proved to be an incredibly proud moment for both PROPEL graduates and supporters alike. The song We Are The Champions rang loudly as the audience cheered during the closing montage, showcasing the accomplishments of the multi-faceted organization that is PROPEL.
Please reach out to PROPEL:
If you are interested in a career or career advice; PROPEL can help you take the steps to fulfill your professional goals and dreams.
If you are interested in joining PROPEL’s cohort of mentors in PROPEL’s “Weaving a Network: Women Helping Women” program or being paired with a mentor.
PROPEL 646-494-0822 | info@thepropelnetwork.org
Instagram @PropelNetwork