Home Health and Medical Pakua Martial Arts, For Your Physical and Mental Wellbeing

Pakua Martial Arts, For Your Physical and Mental Wellbeing

September is here and school is starting soon. In addition to shopping for clothes, school supplies and preparing for the holidays, we should be planning for our children’s—and our own—physical and mental well-being. Yeshivah education is vigorous and taxing and many students need an outlet for their pent-up energy. For parents as well, the stress of daily life needs to be dealt with in order to maintain good health. The practice of Pa-Kua martial arts can help you deal with these issues.

Master Michael Matsas, a fourth degree black belt in Pa-Kua martial arts, has been studying and teaching Pa-Kua for over 15 years. He has been given the presidential achievement award twice for his martial arts and working with underprivileged and at risk teens.

Pa-Kua is an ancient form of martial arts that has always been taught in a very traditional Chinese form, passed on from generation to generation. Today, Pa-Kua is taught through a belt or level system. The lessons range from martial arts, self-defense and ancient weapons, to healing arts such as traditional Chinese medicine, reflexology and energy pathways, as well as tai chi and yoga.

Meditation is extremely good for you. For a study published in Time Magazine, Researches followed over 200 people with heart disease. After five years, they found a 48% reduction in the overall risk of heart attack, stroke, and death among members of the meditation group compared to those in the other group. The meditating group enjoyed a drop in systolic blood pressure and also reported less stress and less anger. “It’s like discovering a whole new class of medications,” said one of the researchers about the power of meditation in improving the patients’ health.

Tai chi is often described as “meditation in motion,” but it might as well be called “medication in motion.” According to a Harvard study, there is growing evidence that this mind-body practice, which originated in China as a martial art, has value in treating or preventing many health problems. And you can get started even if you aren’t in top shape or the best of health.

In this low-impact, slow-motion exercise, you go through a series of motions. As you move, you breathe deeply and naturally, focusing your attention on your bodily sensations. Tai chi differs from other types of exercise in several respects. The movements are usually circular and never forced, the muscles are relaxed rather than tensed, the joints are not fully extended or bent, and connective tissues are not stretched. Tai chi can be easily adapted for anyone, from the most fit to the least fit.

While Pa-Kua offers classes to people of all ages, children receive additional benefit. Pa-Kua is not only an excellent form of exercise, it also promotes discipline and respect. Studies show that children in structured martial arts programs improve their scholastic abilities.

More importantly, they gain a significant amount of self-confidence while learning how to solve problems without fighting. These lessons will give them the necessary communication skills that will enable them to succeed in the future.

Average children spend 75.6% of their time being sedentary, which leads to childhood obesity. The sedentary lifestyle of the typical yeshivah student is well-documented. Pa-Kua helps kids with weight problems, both physically and mentally, and allows the children to confront and conquer their fears.

In many martial arts schools, children, along with their parents, have to worry about the fierce competition that may in fact harm their physical and mental state. At the Pa-Kua center, there is never competition between students. Each individual is challenged to improve at his/her own pace. A positive feeling spreads throughout all those involved with the school. The kids become an integral part of their group and make close friends.

The choice of Pa-Kua, as a form of exercise, brings self-discipline, relaxation, flexibility and self-confidence. The benefits of Pa-Kua do not end with childhood. It’s great for teens, as well. It gives them something constructive to focus their energy on and the chance to vent their frustrations in a warm atmosphere. Of course, it will also benefit their health.

Many adults are also taking classes at the Pa-Kua school. They say that the classes will make them feel like kids again, while providing weight loss, increased flexibility and the important knowledge of self-defense techniques. People who work in offices all day need to get their energy flowing again—Pa-Kua is an excellent and enjoyable way to do this.

In today’s world, where unfortunately, our streets are not as safe as they ought to be, the knowledge of self-defense techniques is essential. Pa-Kua offers techniques for every situation, including weapons defense.

Master Michael Matsas is working hard to meet the needs of the community. Mixed and separate classes are being offered in martial arts, tai chi, meditation and more. Because everyone’s schedule is different, there are a number of options available for both beginners and advanced students. Morning classes, Sunday classes, early and late classes are all being offered to accommodate you. There will even be classes held during special hours for yeshivah students.

In addition, private in-home classes for individuals and groups are being formed. The qualified staff is also available to teach self-defense at your school, congregation or organization. Call for special programs and rates.

Pa-Kua Martial Arts Studio is located at 1115 McDonald Avenue in Brooklyn. For more information on class schedules or to set up an appointment for a free trial class please call Master Michael Matsas at (347) 338-8334