Home Community News Overwhelming Outpour of Support at 29th Aleh Foundation Annual Awards Dinner

Overwhelming Outpour of Support at 29th Aleh Foundation Annual Awards Dinner

Left to right, Mr. Steve Matsas “Young Leadership Awardee” , Dr. Jeff Tenenbaum Aleh Foundation President, Rabbi Jules Fleischer Aleh Foundation Board Member, Dr. Lee Tessler Aleh Foundation “Community Service Awardee”, Dr. Steven G. Pavlakis Aleh Foundation “Medical Leadership Awardee”, Dr. Israel Jacobowitz Aleh Foundation “Physician of the Year awardee”, Dr. Herbert Lepor and his wife Dr. Ellen Shapiro Lepor Aleh Foundation “Humanitarian awardees”, NYC Councilmember David Greenfield, Rabbi Shlomo Braun Aleh Foundation Founder & Director, Officer Emmanuel Almog, Civic Leadership Awardee and M.C. of the 29th Aleh Foundation dinner Mr. Gavriel Sanders.

Over 400 people gathered Wednesday evening, May 8th at Manhattan’s Museum of Jewish Heritage to mark the 29th annual awards dinner of the Aleh Foundation, under the direction of Rabbi Shlomo Braun. The Aleh Foundation is internationally recognized for its pioneering work with severely handicapped children and young adults in Israel. Launched in 1984 to assist a few distraught families in need, today the Aleh Foundation brings hope and help to over 12,000 families through its therapeutic centers in Bnei Brak, Gedera, Jerusalem and the Negev.

Rabbi Braun notes, “When we began, these children were tucked away in obscurity. They were the family secret no one talked about. Parents and siblings suffered socially and financially. And the children’s quality of life was dismal at best. But today it’s a new era. Some amazingly caring people have stepped forward to provide state-of-the-art facilities and resources, enabling each child we serve to have custom-fitted wheelchairs, beds and exercise equipment. Hundreds of volunteers come to our centers to provide social and mental stimulus for the children. Parents who were completely bound to their disabled children are now able to return to work, to mentally ‘catch their breath’ and bring stability to their other children.”

Rabbi Gershon Tannebaum, spiritual leader of Congregation B’nai Israel in Linden Heights and Director of the Rabbinical Alliance of America, has been a friend and supporter of Rabbi Braun’s work from Aleh’s earliest days. Speaking to Gavriel Aryeh Sanders, the Emcee and television host for the dinner, Rabbi Tannenbaum said, “Medical and social services experts from other countries now come to Aleh’s centers to learn from our methods. It is gratifying to see that Aleh has become a true ‘light to the nations’ on behalf of the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.”

The word Aleh is a Hebrew acronym for Eizer Layeled Hanecheh (aid for the disabled child). But Rabbi Braun is quick to point out one of the secrets of the Foundation’s success. “We don’t see these children as disabled as others might. They have special abilities and hidden talents. It is our job to help them unlock and express them, often to the astonishment of the medical community,” he observed.

Gavriel Sanders welcomed the dinner guests on behalf of Zev Brenner and the Talkline Communications Network. Cantor Mark Hazzan of the Sephardic Congregation of Manhattan performed the national anthems of the US and Israel, accompanied by the live music of The Cascades. Afterwards, Gavriel Sanders read a personal letter to the attendees from President Barack Obama. (Rabbi Braun said this was an unexpected and exciting high level recognition for the Aleh Foundation.)

Left to right Rabbi Shmuel Friedler spiritual leader Congregation Eitz Chaim in Brooklyn, Ruth & Rafael Fouzailoff, Aleh Foundation “Tribute Awardees” their parents and Rabbi Rafael Benschimol spiritual leader of the Manhattan Sephardic Synagogue.

Rabbi Braun then guided the audience through the granting of awards to distinguished honorees. The first four of the evening’s honorees were doctors. The Physician of the Year Award was given to Dr. Israel Jacobowitz, cardiothoracic surgeon and co-director of the Atrial Fibrillation Center at Brooklyn’s Maimonides Medical Center. The Medical Leadership Award was granted to Dr. Steven G. Pavlakis, director of the Center for Brain and Behavior at Maimonides Infants and Childrens Hospital and Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Dr. Herbert Lepor and his wife Dr. Ellen Shapiro-Lepor shared the Aleh Foundation’s Humanitarian Award. They are both renowned urologists who have achieved distinction for their technique development and leading edge research. Dr. Lee Tessler, Executive Director and Co-Surgical Director of the Long Island Brain Tumor Center, received the Aleh Foundation’s Community Service Award. In addition to the framed Aleh Foundation award, each honoree also received a Certificate of Resolution from the New York State Senate.

Commenting on the caliber of the physician honorees, Rabbi Braun said, “We could have spent five minutes or more per doctor just reciting their professional associations, research papers, peer awards, and medical pedigrees. We have been blessed to have the very finest in the medical world align themselves with the work of the Aleh Foundation.”

Editor Steven Matsas of Image Magazine received the Young Leadership Award while Officer Emmanuel Almog of the Department of Homeland Security was recognized for the Civic Leadership Award. Rabbi Shmuel Friedler of Congregation Eitz Chaim of Flatbush spoke in memory of Zita Toby Katzenstein OBM, with her husband Mr. Ludwig Katzenstein present to receive a tribute award on her behalf. Tribute awards were also granted to Ruth and Rafael Fouzailoff, with Rabbi Rafael Benchimol of the Sephardic Synagogue of Manhattan speaking in memory of Ruth’s father, Yacov Baruch ben Moshe HaCohen OBM. Philanthropist Lillian Zeides received a tribute award in memory of her beloved sister Beatrice Zeides OBM.

The Jewish Heroes Award went to Dinner Chairpersons Jack and Violet Harounian, long-time business leaders in the Long Island Persian community. Jack and Violet have been active for years in mobilizing funds for medical services in Israel for Shaare Zedek Hospital, as well as having prominent roles in the expansion of the Aleh Foundation. They were honored with a Congressional Record during their presentation at the dinner and Jack announced the couple’s plan to dedicate a new therapeutic room for the new Aleh facility in Pardes Katz.

Prior to the sumptuous dessert service provided by Main Event Caterers, Aleh Board member Sam Amster directed the raffle drawing for four airline tickets to Israel, which was gleefully won by Mr. Alex Levian.

Left to right, Mrs. Nahin Massachi, Mrs. Violet Harounian, Mrs. Shain Siminu, Mr. Jack Harounian Aleh Foundation “National Dinner Chairman and Jewish Heros awardee”, Mr. & Mrs. Rose Friedman President Sharei Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem.

Summarizing the evening, Emcee Gavriel Sanders remarked, “This was my first in-depth exposure to the work of this heroic organization. To be here tonight, noting the spectrum of people represented here, is to see an organization that does far more than helps disabled children. Aleh provides those children a voice to the world, to inspire and motivate people to step up and make a difference. Rabbi and Mrs. Braun are to be commended for galvanizing the Jewish community to reach new heights in bringing quality of life, dignity, recognition and great compassion to Israeli children who would have otherwise languished in isolation.”

Picture Gallery 29th Aleh Foundation Annual Awards Dinner
Photos by: www.envoguestudio.com

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