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Our Community Needs Your Vote!

You Can Register With The Form in This Magazine

Inside this month’s edition of IMAGE Magazine you will find a voter registration form. Before you think about turning the page and leaving the voter registration form behind, it is important to remember one critical point—that form is the key to the future of our community.

Voting is a fundamental right that we enjoy as American citizens. It is a way for us to positively impact our community, our schools and our families. Yet, for all it virtues, voting has never been a priority of our community—until now.

Recently, the Sephardic Community Federation, the umbrella government relations and public policy organization of the Sephardic community, formed an independent voter registration arm, called SCF-Vote. Over the next several months, SCF-Vote will be working closely with our entire community including our shuls, yeshivahs and community organizations to sign up new voters throughout our community. This unprecedented voter registration effort will establish our community as a powerful voting force.

In addition to registering voters, SCF-Vote is educating our community about the myths and benefits of voting. For example, how many people do you know that don’t want to register to vote because they think that they will be selected for jury duty? The truth is, people are on the jury lists once they have a driver’s license, pay taxes, or even if they have a credit card. SCF-Vote is working to dispel the myths about voting and to inform our community members how they can positively impact our community with their votes.

We should not fool ourselves. Our elected officials watch very closely to see who votes, and more importantly, who does not vote. If our community stays home on Election Day, they notice. We need to assert our collective power and show our elected officials that we matter. Voter registration is where it all begins. You can’t vote if you’re not registered.

Our community needs to stand together and make a difference. Your vote can bring change to our community, to our schools and to our families. By filling out the voter registration form in this magazine and registering to vote, you can help shape our community’s future. Please take a few moments right now to fill out the form and drop it in the mail today.

If you have any questions or need any help, please call the voter-registration experts at SCF-Vote at 718-258-8900. Also, feel free to visit their website at www.scfvote.org, if you prefer to fill out the voter registration form online or if you need more forms.

Thank you for helping shape the future of our community.