Home Education NJ Day School Leadership Unites for Tuition Reduction

NJ Day School Leadership Unites for Tuition Reduction

 Rabbi Schenkelowski, Rabbi Birnbaum, Michael Arking and Maury LitwackRepresentatives from yeshivah day schools across New Jersey recently united behind the issue of state funding for non-public schools. The meeting was the first of its kind, organized by the newly formed Community Federation of New Jersey, in partnership with the Orthodox Union and its Institute for Public Affairs (IPA).

More than 70 New Jersey Jewish day school leaders, who combined were responsible for more than 20,000 Jewish school children across the state, attended.

Rabbi Steven Burg, Managing Director of the Orthodox Union, said, the only way to succeed in getting more support for our schools is if we all work together as a united group so that we can replicate the success we have been able to achieve thus far.

Representing the Community Federation, Michael Arking delivered a detailed presentation highlighting methods used in conjunction with the OU that ultimately translated into more than $600,000 in technology funding for Jewish day schools in the state.

Sammy Saka, Chairman of the Community Federation, addressed steps for those present; and plans of the Community Federation for a major event that will highlight the unity of all of New Jerseys Jewish communities in support of our childrens future.

Josh Pruzansky, NJ Political Director for the OU, hosted a detailed question and answer session and reminded everyone that the key to success is to vote. He emphasized, New Jersey is one of many states where the OU has placed serious resources and staff on the ground and is, in effect, changing legislators perception of our schools in a way that brings dollars to parents and Jewish day schools.

For more information or to get involved, contact Josh Pruzansky at Pruzanskyj@ou.org.