Home Community News New Sephardic Mikveh on Avenue R

New Sephardic Mikveh on Avenue R

The long awaited Madison Sephardic Mikveh on Avenue R recently opened their doors to the women of the Madison community. The new mikveh is open seven evenings a week. With its serene atmosphere and spa-like feel, it is a lovely and needed addition to our community.

It boasts 10 fully equipped, state of the art, spacious, relaxing prep rooms, as well as a salon area where you can pamper yourself afterwards.

There are  blow dryers, curling irons and a full selection of beautiful perfumes.

Call in advance to reserve a room; no more waiting on line.

We invite all women of the Madison and surrounding neighborhoods to come and take advantage of our new facilities.

The mikveh is located at 2802 Avenue R, at the corner of E. 28th Street. If you would like more information call (718) 336-0904/0905.