Home Health and Medical Natural Home Remedies

Natural Home Remedies

Who says you need a prescription for every problem? Sometimes a home remedy is all it takes to feel better. Home remedies have become increasingly popular as the expense of conventional medicine continues to rise and as the public takes a more holistic approach to medicine.

These are not miracle cures and aren’t meant to take the place of the advice and treatments prescribed by your health-care professional. They can, however, enhance your overall health and you probably already have the ingredients in your home.

Back Pain

Try alleviating back pain with a peppermint-ice massage! Massages, peppermint-oil and ice are all proven pain relievers. Begin by freezing a mixture of a cup of water and two drops of peppermint oil in a paper cup. When the ice has hardened, remove the cup and have your spouse massage the frozen mixture directly onto your back.

Bee Stings and Spider Bites

Meat tenderizer contains papain, an enzyme that breaks down proteins (like the ones in a T-bone steak). Papain can also break down toxins from bug bites and cut back on itching. Use tenderizer only on mosquito bites, bee stings, and nonpoisonous spider bites. Mix a small amount of meat tenderizer with water to make a paste and apply to the bite. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Dandelion tea is a mild diuretic that will help get rid of the water your body is holding onto. It stimulates bile to help break down fatty meals that also make you bloated. Try drinking one cup per day.

Brain Freeze

Ice cream and frozen yogurt are delicious, but they’re also often the cause of brain freeze. The second you feel a brain freeze coming on, put your tongue to the roof of your mouth. The heat from your tongue will calm the nerves and reduce pain quickly.

Brittle Nails and Dry Hands

In order to really fix dry nails, you have to address the problem of too-little moisture. In addition to using hand lotion regularly, try this nighttime treatment: before you go to bed, apply vegetable oil to your hands, then put on vinyl gloves or wrap your hands in plastic wrap to keep the oil off your bedding. The hand coverings force the oil to penetrate your skin, preventing your hands and nails from getting too dry.

Cuts and Burns

Apply warm honey to a minor cut or burn, then put a gauze bandage on top; change the dressing daily. However, if you have a burn or wound accompanied by swelling, fever, or pain, check with a doctor instead; it may require antibiotics. Milk is also excellent for minor burns; simply soak the burned area in milk for 15 minutes or so, or apply a milk-soaked washcloth to the area. Whole milk is effective because its fat content soothes burns and promotes healing. Wash area after 15 minutes.

Damaged Hair

Olive oil conditions your hair and adds shine. The monounsaturated fatty acids help to protect your hair and make it softer and more manageable. Massage olive oil into hair and cover with a shower cap. Leave for 10 minutes, rinse clean and get ready to shine!

Eczema, Sunburn, Hives

Oats pack phytochemicals with anti-inflammatory properties that soothe itchy and inflamed skin. Put a cup of oats through a food processor until they dissolve easily into a glass of water. Pour the solution into a bathtub full of warm water and soak for 15 minutes.


No one knows what causes hiccups, but the little diaphragm contractions can certainly be annoying. A teaspoon of peanut butter, eaten all at once is an easy (and high protein) cure.


If you’re prone to headaches, try a sweet-smelling solution. Peppermint essential oil is a remedy that’s easy, affordable and natural. Rub a few dabs into your temples and leave it there for 15 to 30 minutes. Peppermint’s anti-inflammatory properties will soothe your nerves.

Sore Throat

You can make a quick syrup for a sore throat or persistent cough with ingredients in your pantry. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons of water and 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink the mixture and your throat will start to feel better instantly.


Most toothaches are due to bacteria and decay that have penetrated the tissue at the tooth’s center. The subsequent inflammation causes pressure, which causes pain. Eugenol (oil of cloves) is available over the counter and provides exceptional temporary relief, especially for toothaches that are temperature-sensitive. A few drops on the tooth surface or in a cavity or crack should do the job until you can get to the dentist.

Upset stomach

The cheapest home remedy (which is also available in most homes) is a glass of water with baking soda mixed in to it. This relieves a stomach ache caused by gas, and helps to neutralize stomach acid.