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Mother’s Day Life Lessons Learned

Being a mother is a full time job and no amount of words can paint a picture depicting what it entails. We can try to describe what our mother’s have taught us in one or two paragraphs, but of course they won’t fully portray all the hard work and many hours put into molding us into who we ultimately become. We salute all mothers, Happy Mother’s Day.

Fran Felner
A mother is many things. The list is endless. Her job is never done. Forever someone to learn from, my mother, Fran Felner, is an exceptional woman. She gives of herself unlike anyone else I’ve ever known—unconditionally, unsolicited, always with the utmost pleasure.

She is a thoughtful and caring grandmother a loving and supportive wife and a loyal and devoted friend. She’s my biggest critic while secretly, I know, she’s my biggest fan. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her.

I  Love You, Mom, Beth

Julie Sherr
You taught us how to smile even when we felt like crying, how to help others even when we needed help ourselves, how to ask about someone’s day and actually listen to their answer. You taught us to greet life and all it throws at us with a fun positive outlook.

You showed us that our marriages should be based on respect, understanding, communication, and laughter, that family is the most important thing in the world and to do anything and everything for our kids.

We love you so much and we can’t wait to learn more! Happy Mothers Day!

Love, Lisa and Elliot, Helene and Mark, Harold and Lorraine and Morris

Mimi Zarif
Saafe, in Arabic is the strength of a Syrian woman, and the way they portray it in everything they do. The love and passion they have for their family. Our mother, Mimi Zarif not only has saafe, but her love exceeds that of any other.

Every Shabbat we are greeted with hugs and kisses and a lunch table fit for a king. But when we thank her for it all, she just shrugs and says “for what?”

She loves to please each and every one of her children and always has the right things to say. Mom, the way you put your family above all, is how we want to be. Your beautiful ways, in your home and life, are a role model to us all. We hope to raise our children with the wisdom you’ve taught us and all the wonderful traits we’ve learned from you. We love you mom! Have a Happy Mother’s Day!

Love your daughters, Margo Guindi, Linda Sasson and Grace Zarif.

Arlene Esquenazi
There is no one like a mother. I could write books about how our mother, Arlene Esquenazi, has taught us to cook, organize a party, shop, pick out tiles and wall paper and take care of a home. Like most mothers in our community, mom will make all of our favorite foods and make sure all of her grandchildren are well dressed and well fed. While those things are important they do not nearly describe the lessons our mother has taught us about being a genuinely good person. She does things and say things because that is what her heart tells her to do and say. That is our mother—all heart all of the time.

We have so often used the terminology eishet chayil (woman of valor) to describe the women in our lives. We sometimes forget what it truly means. Our mother has the strength to lead her family on all of its roller coaster rides. She has the supporting nature to stand behind her husband and children in all of their endeavors. She is always there to lend a helping hand and words of encouragement. If she has one fault, it’s trying to do everything for everyone and neglecting herself.

As children, we don’t realize that we are supposed to thank and appreciate our mothers for the things that they do. As adults, we sometimes forget to extend that gratitude. This Mother’s Day, my brother Sammy and his wife Michelle, and my sister Jane and her husband Joey and I, would like to take a moment and express our heartfelt love and deep appreciation to and for our mother. We are so blessed to have you as a leader and inspiration in our lives. It is because of you and your tremendous dedication to us all that we can call ourselves a family.

Love, Robyn

Ruthy Mann
In the spirit of Mothers Day, this one’s for mom. Everything I’ve learned in life, I learned from her. The most important lesson that I have cherished is to always be optimistic. Whatever the situation may be, I have learned to appreciate all that I have. I am thankful to my mom because without her I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I love you Mommy. Happy Mother’s Day!

Love, Shula

Brenda Saka
Our Mother, Brenda Saka, is a very special woman. In addition to her constant love of having the family over and making each of her children and grandchildren feel special, she possesses a very special quality. What makes her so unique is the way she has raised us.

Beginning when we were all very young, she encouraged our involvement in community activities and supported us in whatever we chose to get involved with.

She inspires each of us to go after what we feel passionate about and provides us with encouragement and motivation to accomplish our goals. On top of her job of just being a busy wife and mom, our projects have become her projects, our programs have become her programs, and our events have become her events. Whatever we are working on becomes her priority.

Our home was and continues to be the center of it all. Countless meetings, classes, tournaments, Shabbatons, and singles events have been hosted by our mom. This has always been a part of our lives. She enables us to help others by helping us in every way. She teaches all of us how to be doers. She raised us to be leaders. Our brothers have proven that. Our mom is the backbone of our family. Not only is she always there for us but she is always by our dad’s side, as his partner, helping him to accomplish all he has in our synagogue and community.

Each of her children is actively involved in the community and leaders of various organizations. This is a tribute to our parents and the way they continue to lead by example.

Love your daughters, Laurie Mizrachi and Sally Cohen

Iris Yaron
Although we are all grown up with families of our own, we are still learning new things from our mom everyday. It still amazes us how someone who works full time can manage to give so much love and attention to her children and grandchildren. She is constantly putting everyone else’s problems ahead of her own, no matter how big.  Everything she does for us is done with a smile on her face.

We can’t recall ever hearing her complain about anything! She has the ability to make all seem effortless such as entertaining 30 or 40 people at a time. Anyone who walks into her home always feels welcome. She has taught us so much and we hope to teach our children the same.

Love your daughters, Randi Matsas and Lauren Tobias

Betty Shayo
Our mother is a beautiful lady who is both fun loving and adventurous. Until this day, she still has the entire family over for the holidays because she believes that this is what keeps the family together.

We admire her strength in dealing with many different situations. Her guidance and warmth has helped us throughout the years.  Our children always look forward to having their grandma sleep over for Shabbat because she treats each individual grandchild as her most “special one” which brings out the best in all of them. Happy Mother’s Day,

With All Our Love, Karen and Eileen

Adina Nasar
Many mothers are “soccer moms,” but our mom is a “rocker mom.” When most mothers are asleep or watching TV, our mom is banging on drums. She’s broken barriers and she’s overcome obstacles, but our mother has let nothing get in her way of fulfilling her dreams.

One of the most important lessons she has taught us is to express ourselves through our passions. As a young girl, our mother was involved in many different activities, such as tennis, charm school, and especially the drums. She was always open to trying new things, and that is something she encourages us to do every day. Our mother pushes all of us to follow our passions, and she supports us every step of the way. Her encouragement and support have taught us all never to give up.

She is so proud of us, but we owe all of our great accomplishments to her. Our mother currently works at the Encore School of Music, where she encourages children of all ages to express themselves through music. She is extremely dedicated to helping these children pursue their dreams. Thanks mom for always believing in us and helping us become the best that we can be! We love you!

Love, Frieda and David, Rena, Joyce and Jack

Evelyn Ackman
There’s really no way to list all the lessons that I’ve learned from my mother. However, I guess, I can narrow it down to two things, to be polite and have a nice smile. These may seem small and unimportant, but on the contrary, they are essential. Being polite to all people is something that is always noticed. A “please” or a “thank you” speaks volumes about who you are as a person. Having a nice smile on your face and being able to put your problems on the side is equally important.

Everyone has problems and dwelling on them can’t be helped. You need to put them aside and move forward with a smile. Plus, a smile is good for you. On the day we were married, after we signed the ketubah, the rabbi turned to my husband Barry and told him to never forget the smile on my face. He said that my smile would carry us through a good life. I will never forget those words. I have already passed these lessons on to my children, keeping the cycle that my mother provided going strong.

Love Your Daughter, Micheleq