Home Community News Mother and Daughter Program at Barkai Yeshivah

Mother and Daughter Program at Barkai Yeshivah

After multiple practice sessions, the girls came together under the direction of Morah Lilly Hayat and Morah Shirli Amzaleg to perform quite a memorable program for their mothers and fellow students. Rahel Imenu was special because she completely embodied the trait of tzniut, which is commonly translated as modesty and yet goes much deeper and further than just clothing choices. It is a sensitivity to value and the desire to protect it. The program’s theme, VeShuvu Banim LeGvulam (all of Klal Yisrael will return to Eretz Yisrael), will be possible because of her unique observance of tzniut.

Each grade of students executed a personal interpretation of the importance of the day via song, dance and theatrics. Third grade girls danced to Kol Berama, a song that focuses on Rahel Imenu’s tears for her children and the answer to her prayers for them to return to their land. The dance was quite moving and brought the meaning of the day to a new level.

The 4th grade sang Yesh Sakhar which is based on the reward of Klal Yisrael returning home because of Rahel Imenu’s tears and prayers.
Fifth and 6th grade girls sang Rahel, as photos of Kever Rahel were displayed in a slide show.

Seventh grade girls sang and marched to Min’i Kolech MiBechi, in honor of all missing Jewish soldiers and in hope that they will return home safely and soon.
Throughout the ceremony, the 8th grade students read aloud from personal writings, written in both English and Hebrew, on topics including Rahel’s tzniut as well as their prayers for all Jews to return to Israel safely.

The mothers and daughters in attendance spent time together and worked to decorate a special prayer which is said at the site of Kever Rahel. Together, the bonding experience brought smiles to faces and created a memorable moment among friends and family.

Thank you to Elementary School Judaic Studies Principal and Hebrew Language Director Shoshi Abowitz for her guidance, Rachelle Sitt for the program’s music, Shandi and Chani for the scenery and Jeanne Shiram for the invitation.