Home Health and Medical Medicare Will Pay for You to Stop Snoring

Medicare Will Pay for You to Stop Snoring

Medicare recognizes that snoring is dangerous. They also realize that wearing a hose and a mask attached to a machine is very difficult for most people to sleep with. Medicare will now cover people with Medicare B for oral appliances so they can stop snoring and feel refreshed.

Snoring and a poor nights sleep can be a sign of a much greater problem: sleep apnea, which is a major health risk. Snoring is a warning sign and may be the first sign of obstructive sleep apnea. Snoring means your airway is partially blocked. The noise is produced by the vibration when air blows through a narrowed airway.

Sleep apnea means your airway is completely blocked. This can occur hundreds of times a night. Therefore, it is important to get checked immediately as enough oxygen may not be reaching your vital organs. Loud snorers have a 67% greater likelihood of a stroke,  40% greater likelihood of high blood pressure and a 34% greater likelihood of a heart attack than those who dont snore.

Medicare now recognizes that people need to get the sleep apnea treatment that is best suited for themtreatment that is comfortable, flexible, and effective. Whats more, unlike many private insurance companies, Medicare does not require that you first attempt to use the mask, hose and CPAP machine before seeking oral appliance therapy. If you or someone you love snores, Medicare B and most PPO medical insurance will cover treatment for snoring.

In order to get coverage for your oral appliance therapy, you must meet these criteria:

1) Have an evaluation by a physician that is a sleep medicine specialist.

2) The device must be provided and billed by a licensed dentist that is an approved DME provider.

DME stands for durable medical equipment. Medicare B together with your supplement can cover the entire cost of the oral appliance.

Not all dentists or all oral appliances are covered. To meet the Medicare guidelines the dentist must provide you with a custom made oral appliance that is able to move the lower jaw forward in small millimeter increments.

If you or your dentist would like more information about how Medicare B can pay for you to stop snoring feel free to contact our office. Our team is trained in dental sleep medicine and our computerized electronic claims can process your Medicare B claims or any other PPO medical insurance.

We can help you understand how to get covered for oral appliances to treat snoring. We can also refer you to experienced sleep medicine physicians that are specialists in diagnosing sleep apnea and will help you navigate the insurance maze so that you can get the right treatment.
Dr. Jacques Doueck, member American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine.