Home Education MDY Introduces We Magen David

MDY Introduces We Magen David

Rabbi Hilsenrath, MDY President Jeffrey Gindi and Rabbi Berk With much anticipation, Magen David Yeshivah launched a new and innovative program, We Magen David with an energizing assembly, much to the delight of the students, faculty members, and parents. In the days that followed, an enthusiastic energy level resonated throughout the building, and the excitement and sense of unity felt among the students was truly remarkable.

We Magen David is a new, sensational program at Magen David Yeshivah.  It is also a unique concept that connotes a sense of belonging, of “We-ness,” and of being part of Yaakov Shwekeya large and unified community, consisting of our school, our families, and our peers.

Students entered the dark school auditorium which had been transformed into a planetarium. Principal Rabbi Baruch Hilsenrath enthusiastically introduced the new program, We Shine, explaining how each person is a shining star.

A key aspect of We Magen David is the centrality of family, community, the State of Israel, and the unity of the Jewish People. As members of our MDY family, there is an ever-increasing spirit of “there isn’t anything that we cannot do as a united whole. Join  Rabbi Saban with his choirus in this vital journey, as we continue to set the standard for our community. We Magen David: the future, Bezrat Hashem, is in our hands,” said Rabbi Baruch Hilsenrath.

Rabbi Hilsenrath proudly introduced world-renowned singer and our community’s very own shining star, Yaakov Shwekey. Yaakov highlighted the Special Learning Center in New Jersey, a place where all children shine. Upon hearing about Magen David Yeshivah’s upcoming program, he immediately wanted to come and give back, participating in this wonderful new program.

“It is so great to be here. I would like to thank my sister-in-law Yvette Cohen, for inviting me today, and on behalf of my wife and myself, we would to thank Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sutton, and their daughter Frieda, who makes the Special Learning Center such a wonderful place to be. We would also like to thank Mr. Richie Dweck and Mr. Harry Adjmi. Take the power of music to lift yourself up. If you put the words of the Torah and the Tehillim together, you are truly connecting,” said Yaakov Shwekey.

As he sang, everyone was blown away by his music and charisma. Children, parents and teachers were unified by the power in his music, swaying and dancing to each Rabbi Saban, Jeffrey Gindi, Rabbi Berk, Yaakov Shwekey, Rabbi Cohen, and Benjamin Sternsong. The children were overjoyed watching their favorite rabbis take the stage with Yaakov, dancing and rejoicing in this momentous event.

To top it all off, the entire audience was transfixed by a music video featuring the new “We MDY” school song, sung by Rabbi Ezra Saban and Magen David choir members. The video was produced by Rabbi Hilsenrath and his daughter Maima, who spent countless hours putting the video together. The powerful video captured every student in Magen David and every staff member, in joy and unity throughout the school building. This spirited event reminded all of us through this amazing multi-sensory experience that, indeed we are one. This is the first unit for upcoming topics geared toward developing resilient and confident children.

Early this spring, this wonderful new program will begin as the 5th and 6th graders of Magen David Yeshivah explore their core belief that We Shine, that each student has not only the capacity, but the personal responsibility to strive for greatness. This aspect of the curriculum, created by MDY educators, mental health professionals, and parents, will enable the children to develop a healthy sense of self. This will serve as the basis for future lessons that will explore how to deal with educational and social challenges that might undermine one’s self-esteem.

When the students returned to their classrooms the energy and excitement in the air was contagious. Each teacher helped the students process the day’s events and channel their energy with a positive message. Each student began to personalize a “shining star.” (A project that will continue throughout the next six weeks as well as learn to reveal how We Shine.) In the coming weeks, the children will explore several different facets within themselves by dealing with emotional awareness, empathy, problem solving, by empowering the bystander, and by using realistic optimism to help reach the set goals.

Thanks to the “We MDY” committee Linda Benun, Rena Kelman, Leora Levine, Rose Lee Pifko and Benjamin Stern, who created and developed this wonderful program. Thank you to the MDY PTA presidents, Lisa Elo and Linda Sasson, for sponsoring and lending input to this exciting event. Thanks to Rabbi Rosenzweig and Sara Bawabeh for supplying the photographs. A special thank you to the administration, teachers and to the students of Magen David Yeshivah, who are all shining stars in every imaginable way.
Randi Shomer is a community member, mother of four children and a freelance writer.