Home Education Magical Mezuzot

Magical Mezuzot

Samantha Kolb, Edith Mussry and Rosie Zagha

Samantha Kolb, Edith Mussry and Rosie Zagha

It all started when Samantha Kolb, an eighth grade student at Hillel Yeshiva, wanted to give her principal, Dr. Ruth Katz, a special homemade mezuzah. One night, she spent hours taking tiny pieces of glass that she found at a store, and gluing them to a plastic mezuzah case.

Dr Katz was so impressed with the mezuzah that she recommended the production of the mezuzah be considered a fundraiser for the 8th grade senior yearbook. Then, in the process of making the mezuzot, something magical happened. The camaraderie of the eight grade girls, as they worked together in making the mezuzot, drew them close to each other, truly exemplifying veahavta lerayacha kamoacha (you should love your neighbor as your love yourself).

It began with three girls: Esther Leventher, Esther Mizrahi and Samantha Kolb. Together they worked diligently making 20 mezuzot, then selling them at a PTA conference. The fundraiser did so nicely that they did it again!

By the third week of the program, two more girls, Rosie Zagha and Edith Mussry, had joined them. When the rest of the girls in their class heard about how much fun they were having, Merle Massry, Cookie Goldman, Stephanie Adjme and Rachel Shamosh joined in.

The girls have become very close. No Loshon Horah (evil tongue) is ever spoken when they’re making mezuzot. There was a blackout about a week ago, while the girls were working on their mezuzot. They found candles, lit them, and immediately went back to work making their mezuzot by candlelight. Nothing can stop them!

So far, one mezuzah has been given to a Holocaust survivor, who cried when she learned it was made by 8th grade Jewish girls. Another mezuzah was presented to Yachad Organization for their new facility in Brooklyn. Two have been donated to Hadassah for a fundraiser, another to the Hillel PTA as a raffle. Many, many more are being made to give to charities.

Many thanks to Kaloshi Realty on Coney Island Avenue and Cosmopolitan Kitchens of Cedarhurst, who have bought many mezuzot to give to their clients, and have helped to keep this program going.

The girls hope to bring this hesed to as many yeshivahs as possible, working with 7th and 8th grade girls.

If you have any questions or want to purchase one of their magical mezuzot, please do not hesistate to call Lillian at Hillel Yeshivah at (732) 493-9300 ext 232 or Merryl Kolb at (732)-531-4445.