Home Community Community News Magen David’s 8th Annual Mother-Daughter Celebration

Magen David’s 8th Annual Mother-Daughter Celebration

Maggie, Jamie and Lorraine Bawabeh, with Joy and Sarah Laniado

Maggie, Jamie and Lorraine Bawabeh, with Joy and Sarah Laniado

On a recent Tuesday evening, Magen David’s 6th grade girls celebrated the wonderful bond that is shared only between a mother and daughter. After many months of preparation, the girls were excited to perform before their mothers, aunts, sisters, grandmothers and even great-grandmothers.

To begin the 8th annual celebration, Rabbi Baruch Hilsenrath, Principal of Magen David, and Rabbi David Sultan, Assistant Principal, addressed the guests.

“We appreciate the teachers—Ms. Delbery, Mrs. Levy, Mrs. Stern, parents and grandparents, for the fine role models they are. We also appreciate the fine souls of the 6th grade girls, who you are and who will you become,” said Rabbi Hilsenrath.

Viviane Sitt with triplets: Raquel, Esther and Lauren

Viviane Sitt with triplets: Raquel, Esther and Lauren

“Congratulations on your job with your daughters on this wonderful evening, helping them grow into the wonderful girls they have become. Thank you to all the teachers for your hard work,” said Rabbi Sultan.

In accordance with the theme, the girls recognized and thanked all the people and the important roles they play. The evening began with a candle lighting ceremony, commemorating each and every important aspect in their lives.

Merle and Mary Cohen

Merle and Mary Cohen

A fun slide show was shown, capturing the girl’s energy and excitement during a typical school day. Following the slide show, each girl was presented with a lovely leather-bound Siddur, with their Hebrew names engraved on the cover.

Nancy and Terry Beyda

Nancy and Terry Beyda

In closing, the girls performed a wide array of dances, in colorful costumes. After their performances the guests were invited to a beautifully decorated buffet, catered by Magen David’s own chefs. Triboards were created and displayed, showing each girl’s family tree. The children’s excitement was electric, and the dancing continued. Thank you to their teachers, Mrs. Goldman, Ms. Kleinhandler and Ms. Halevi for all their hard work assisting with the project.

Esther and Nina Haber

Esther and Nina Haber

This glorious mother/daughter celebration would not have been possible without the help of three very special and dedicated teachers: Ms. Ora Delbery, Mrs. N. Stern, Mrs. N. Levy and Mrs. Sima Hilsenrath, for her artwork. Thank you to Gladys Haddad, Ruthy Mann and Rochelle Beyda for organizing the evening, and to all of the evening’s sponsors. It was a special evening for all those who worked so hard and put so much effort into making this night unforgettable. It goes to show you how priceless a mother/daughter relationship really is.
Randi Shomer is a community member, mother of four children and a freelance writer for IMAGE Magazine.