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Lose Belly Fat

Make healthy choicesHaving a flat belly, or so-called “six-pack abs,” is a dream for many adults. If you’re middle-aged, have ever been pregnant, or sometimes indulge in too much food or one too many drinks, you probably have a spare tire you’d like to get rid of. So what’s the best strategy for banishing belly fat? Is it as simple as adding certain foods to your diet, or exercising?

This is not a good choiceThere is no magic bullet, diet plan, specific food, or type of exercise that specifically targets belly fat. But the good news is that whether you’re an “apple” shape with excess belly fat, or a “pear” with wide hips and thighs, belly fat is usually the first to go when you begin losing weight.

Ninety-nine percent of people who lose weight will lose it in the abdominal region before anywhere else—and will lose proportionately more weight from the upper body.Visceral fat, the kind tucked deep inside your waistline, is more metabolically active and easier to lose than subcutaneous fat under the skin, especially if you have plenty of it.

A recent study showed that a calorie-controlled diet rich in whole grains trimmed extra fat from the waistline of obese subjects.

Study participants who ate all whole grains (in addition to five servings of fruits and vegetables, three servings of low-fat dairy, and two servings of lean meat, fish, or poultry) lost more weight from the abdominal area than another group that ate the same diet, but with all refined grains.

Eating a diet rich in whole grains while reducing refined carbohydrates changes the glucose and insulin response and makes it easier to mobilize fat stores.

When you eat refined foods like white bread, it triggers a series of events, starting with elevated blood sugar levels followed by an increased insulin response, which can cause fat to be deposited more readily. Eating a diet rich in whole grains (which also tend to be higher in fiber) helps improve insulin sensitivity. This, in turn helps the body more efficiently use blood glucose, lowers blood glucose levels, and reduces fat deposition.

When it comes to exercise, hundreds of crunches each day won’t flatten your belly if you need to lose weight. If your abdominal muscles aren’t covered with excess fat, strengthening them can help you look tighter and thinner, but spot exercises won’t banish belly fat.

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you must eat a healthy, controlled-calorie diet and get regular exercise—around 60 minutes a day of moderate activity, like brisk walking.

The harder you exercise, the more belly fat you may lose. People who engage in high-intensity aerobic exercise tend to be leaner around the abdomen.

It is important to lose belly fat because carrying around extra pounds in your midsection is more dangerous than fat around your hips and thighs, as visceral fat is worse for your health than the subcutaneous fat that sits under the skin.

Extra weight around the midsection is associated with inflammation and a higher risk of health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and more.

Is Your Middle Too Big?
Beyond the body mass index (BMI), waist circumference has been touted as a simple and reliable test to measure health, weight status, and hidden fat.

To assess your risk, use a soft tape measure. Lie down and wrap it around your natural waistline, located above your hip bone and below your belly button. Take the measurement without holding your breath or holding your stomach in.

If your waist is larger than 40 inches (for men) or 35 inches (for women), you have too much belly fat and are at risk for heart disease and other conditions. One of the best things you can do for your health is to lose weight.

The Bottom Line About Belly Fat
Most scientific evidence suggests that a calorie-controlled diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, beans, nuts, seeds, lean meat, fish, eggs, and poultry is the foundation for a diet that provides all the nutrients you need while helping to whittle your waistline.

The real secret to losing belly fat is to lose weight on a balanced, calorie-controlled diet and exercise at least an hour a day.

Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat Easily:

1) Exercise early in the morning. Jog or walk briskly for 30 minutes to one hour everyday before breakfast. Morning exercise tends to keep you active for the full day which is one of the best ways to lose belly fat fast.

2) Avoid drinking alcohol. Alcohol is high in calories, plus it  raises the body’s sugar levels, thus affecting your efforts to lose belly fat fast.

3) Avoid junk food. Eating too much junk food can be a primary cause for developing lots of belly fat. Eating junk food can raise your appetite levels making you eat more and also eat unhealthy fattening foods resulting in gaining more fat around your stomach.

4) Drink lots of water. You may be surprised to know that the more water you drink, the less of it is retained by the body.
So you can lose some water weight and also lose belly fat by drinking more water.

5) Reduce stress. High levels of stress can cause your body to produce a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol has been linked to weight gain.

6) Eat a balanced diet. Avoid unhealthy foods and those foods that have high levels of sugar or caffeine. Try going for foods which are rich in nutrients and fiber, examples are fresh vegetables, fruits, oatmeal and whole grain. 
These healthy foods keep your insulin levels even and control blood sugar levels as well as hunger. Gaining control over hunger means you stand a much better chance of getting rid of belly fat quickly.

7) Get enough sleep: When you are tired, you tend to feel like eating. This can lead to overeating and developing a fat belly.
Proper sleep at night ensures that you stay active during the day, and burn more fat by being energetic.

Laura Shammah is a nutritionist in Brooklyn.