Dear Editor,
The greatest breach of our constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is government control of education.
Government has indoctrinated generations of Americans into accepting top-down, socialist-type government,
the coddling of vicious criminals and terrorists, along with decreased liberties and protections for law abiding citizens.
The new 114th Congress can set our nation on the path to Constitutional Government by sponsoring and passing
the proposed D.C. Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity,
which can be found at the website of Alliance for Free Choice in Education.
This will allow DC parents to send their children to approved nonpublic schools of their choice,
at half current costs! This will also serve as a model and trail blazer for all 50 states.
Please call your Congressman in Washington, at 202-224-3121,
to urge sponsorship of the bill, and ask your contacts to do the same.
Israel Teitelbaum, Secretary
Alliance for Free Choice in Education
226 Sussex Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960