Home Education Late Bloomer or Developmental Delays?

Late Bloomer or Developmental Delays?

Estee and Chaya were very happy when they had their sons within weeks of each other. As the boys second birthday approached, the mothers got them together for a play date.

When it was time to eat, Estee asked Avi, Do you want pasta? Without looking up, Avi shook his head no.
Okay, would you like a cream cheese and jelly sandwich? she asked. This time, Avi looked up and licked his lips vigorously. He then reached out his hand impatiently to let her know he was ready.
David was playing with a small truck. Chaya asked, What about you, David? Would you like pasta? David looked up, but did not respond. A cream cheese and jelly sandwich? Again, he looked at his mother, but then returned to playing with his truck.
Maybe he isnt hungry, Estee suggested.

When Avi started eating his sandwich, David began yelping to let Chaya know that he wanted one too.
Both Avi and David do not say many words, even though they are almost two; however, they exhibit very different symptoms. While most children speak by the this age, doctors distinguish between late bloomers and those with potential language development issues through the following criteria:

Receptive Language: While Avi does not say many words, he clearly understands when Estee asks him questions. Understanding language generally precedes expression and use. Studies that have followed up with late-talking children have found that age-appropriate receptive language discriminated late bloomers from children who had true language delays. Therefore, if your two-year-old clearly comprehends what you are saying to him, chances are his spoken language will follow.
Expressive Gestures: Avi shakes his head and reaches out when he wants something. These are two elements of non-verbal communication. While everyone needs to communicate verbally in order to be understood, at this age non-verbal communication indicates comprehension and the desire to connect with others.
Progress: Even if your two year old only says five words, if he learns to use those words in different ways, he is progressing in his language development. For instance, if he says blankie, one day it might mean This is my blankie, whereas the next day he might be asking a question, Where is my blankie? Though using the same word, this different meaning indicates a progression of skills and understanding.
If your child is receptive, expressive, and progressing in his language development, even if he is not speaking, it is likely that he will eventually have normal language development. He might simply be a late bloomer.
However, your child may not be a late bloomer. He may need early intervention in order to help him speak.
The first possibility that your doctor will look into when examining a late talker is hearing loss. Some children with chronic ear infections will experience temporary hearing loss that can result in late talking. This possibility, while frustrating to you and your child, is easily remedied through multiple therapies.
Chronic lack of communication might indicate autism, though only a health professional can give you a true diagnosis. Autism is a general term for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and repetitive behaviors. Disorders on the autism spectrum include: Asperger Syndrome and Rett Syndrome. Here is a breakdown of the different symptoms:

Autism: Late talking, after the age of two, and other developmental delays by 30 months. The child chooses to play alone, rather than interact with others; he displays repetitive movements such as rocking, spinning, or hand-flapping.

Aspergers syndrome: The child possesses above average verbal capabilities; has an obsession with complex topics, such as patterns or music, and uses repetitive speech which seems scripted and robotic.
Rett syndrome: More than half of the children with Rett syndrome have seizures; show normal verbal development until 12 to 18 months, then a subsequent loss in the ability to communicate;
slowed growth, especially apparent in head size at six months of age.
Although autism cannot be cured, early intervention greatly improves language and social interaction later in life. These therapies often include the whole family and trained therapists, and the earlier the therapy begins, the better the results.
Language is difficult. Late language development is very common, affecting one in 10 children. Thats because communicating is so complicated. It requires understanding as well as speaking, and these skills develop differently. 
Personality also plays a role in talking. Some children are naturally quiet and prefer to listen to others rather than contribute. To that end, you can try to get them talking by singing songs, telling nursery rhymes, mimicking sounds and encouraging them to mimic you. Last, but not least, books are a great resource to get your child speaking. Point and name things in the pictures and ask your child to point and name.
Every child is different. While its hard not to compare, dont! Every group of children will include some early learners, some average learners, and some late bloomers. And depending on the skill, children will fit into many different categories.