Home Community News Koby Mandell Talent Show goes BROADWAY!

Koby Mandell Talent Show goes BROADWAY!

talent-showSunday. April 1st. 7 PM. MDY Elementary.

Have you ever been in a room filled with professional singers, dancers and comedians all at one time?! Well the Koby Mandell Talent show gives you that opportunity for only 20 dollars. The show gives all of its proceeds to the Koby Mandell Foundation in Israel. Our talented artists are all handpicked and work tirelessly to produce a wonderful show. The Koby Mandell show branches together our community women to do an amazing chesed whilst having a great time!

The Koby Mandell Foundation started with a 13 year old boy named Koby Mandell who was murdered brutally by terrorists. On May 8th 2001, Koby and his friend Yosef Ishran were playing in a cave of Tekoa and were unexpectedly greeted by Arabs who threw stones at them and murdered Koby. Kobys parents, Sherri and Seth Mandell put together a summer camp in honor of their beautiful son. The camp is designed to cater to the thousands of people and family members that are influenced by terror attacks in Israel each day. The camp hires trained counselors who spend time with the victims and do various activities with them throughout the day. Camp Koby is a therapeutic place full of laughter and happiness. Koby Mandell is now part of the countrys history, and will be in our memories forever.

Judaism teaches us that a woman plays a pivotal role in society, and the Koby Mandell Talent Show represents this fact.  The show ONLY has woman performers and caters to an all woman audience so that the performers and the audience get a true feeling of who Koby was and the modesty and the humbleness of the situation. The talent show is a creative way to raise funds for Eretz yisrael and we need YOU to make that happen.

For this years show, we are bringing in Eliana Mandell (Kobys 21 year old sister) to speak to the audience about her brother and the beauty of the foundation. Performances by Bobbie Beyda, Joyce Mizrahi and many more will assure that you will be entertained to the fullest!  You will be surprised at the amount of talent in one room. This year the show has a broadway theme in that all acts, songs and dances are from original broadway shows!

We cant wait to see you at our show. Come and support our communitys most talented performers as well as our brothers and sisters in Israel.

Koby Mandell All Girls TALENT SHOW
Magen David Elementary School
2130 Mcdonald Ave
Sunday, April 1st, 7 PM.

See you there!